Unmus Merauke Encourages Kweel Towards Independent Pilot Village

Deputy Chancellor (Warek) 3 for Student Affairs Cooperation and Alumni of Musamus University (Unmus) Merauke, Yosehi Mekiuw and the Unmus research team pushed Kweel Village, Elikobel District, Merauke, Papua towards an independent pilot village.

"As a child of the country, I have high hopes for Kweel village, the community can become masters in their own land," said Vice Rector 3 Unmus Merauke in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the research team in Kweel Village, Saturday (11/12/2021).
The FGD itself raised the theme of integrated development planning to create village independence.

Yosehi Mekiuw conveyed his dream for a long time to realize Kweel village as a pilot village by looking at the potential resources in Kweel village which are still promising.

"People can develop their existing potential so they can get more income to improve their standard of living," he said.
The Unmus research team has three focus areas that will be worked on in order to realize the kweel village to become an independent pilot village.

Among them, in terms of Natural Resources (SDA) and management, Human Resources (HR) and village management, and the existence of local wisdom.

At the same time, the head of the research team, Aenal Fuad Adam, said that the purpose of the FGD with the Kweel community was basically to explore and analyze the existing potential.
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According to him, the potential in Kweel Village so far has not been managed properly.

"We want to encourage the capacity of the human resources of the village apparatus so that an inclusive approach is needed so that it can be sustainable in forming an independent village," said Aenal.

He added, Unmus is committed to providing assistance to the community in Kweel Village to realize superior programs.

SOURCE : https://papua.tribunnews.com/2021/12/13/unmus-merauke-push-kweel-menuju-kampung-perjualan-mandiri

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