92 KKB Terror Acts in Papua During 2021: 67 TNI-Polri Victims and Residents

Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri stated that there were 92 acts of violence perpetrated by armed criminal groups (KKB) in Papua in the period 2021. Meanwhile, there were 27 KKB members who eventually returned to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and all of them from the Yapen Islands.

"The prominent cases carried out by armed criminal groups (KKB) during 2021 were 92 cases. The actions took place in Yahukimo Regency, Bintang Mountains Regency, Intan Jaya Regency, Puncak Regency, and Nduga Regency," Mathius said at a press conference. 2021 Papuan Police, Thursday (12/23/2021).

Mathius said that of the 92 KKB terror acts, there were fatalities and injuries, both from the TNI, Polri, and the community. He detailed 11 TNI members who died and 19 injured, then 4 Polri members who died and 3 people were injured.
Furthermore, 19 people died and 11 people were injured. While the victims of KKB as many as 12 people.
"But on the other hand, there are KKB who declared themselves to be returning to the lap of the Republic of Indonesia as many as 27 people in the jurisdiction of the Yapen Islands Police," said Mathius.

Mathius then said that the Papuan Police had carried out 13 police operations during 2021. "The Papuan Police have carried out 13 centralized and regional Police Operations including Amole Operations I and II 2021, Bina Kusuma Operations 2021, Matoa Safety Operations, Nemangkawi Operations, Deraku Cartenz Operations, Compliance Operations Cartenz, Operation Hawa Cartenz, Operation Safe Nusa I and II, Operation Ketupat, Operation Zebra Cartenz and Operation Candle Cartenz 2021," he explained.

Mathius said that his party continues to synergize with policy makers in Papua and leaders to create peace on Earth of Cenderawasih. Mathius added that the conducive situation in Papua will have a positive impact on development aimed at the welfare of the people.

"To realize security, the Papuan Police also continue to improve synergy and integration with stakeholders and leaders, in order to create a conducive Sitkamtibmas (situation of security and public order) in the jurisdiction of the Papuan Police. So that the development process can take place optimally in order to improve the welfare of Papuans. ," he concluded.

SOURCE : https://news.detik.com/berita/d-5868067/92-aksi-teror-kkb-di-papua-selama-2021-67-korban-tni-polri-dan-warga

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