XX Papua PON is not just a sports party

The National Sports Week or PON XX Papua 2021 is taking place on Earth Cenderawasih from October 2 to October 15, 2021. The PON 2021 event is not just a sports party.

The positive impact of PON XX is also felt by all levels of society living in Papua. The economic sector was also moved considering that PON XX lasted almost a month where several sports had started matches since September 22, 2021.

"Alhamdulillah, the implementation of the Papua PON has brought blessings. What is clear is that our turnover has increased since the existence of the XX Papua PON because shopping for necessities has also increased. Every day our stalls are open from 08.00 to 21.00 WIT are never empty of visitors as well as orders, " said Yusuf, the son of the Coto Daeng Dado stall owner as quoted from Antara, Wednesday (10/13/2021).

"I can't tell you how much the increase in turnover will be because we usually compile financial reports at the end of the month," he added.

The Soto Makassar stall, which is located on Jalan Raya Abepura-Kotaraja, Wai Mhorok Abepura, Jayapura City, Papua, was visited by Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali to enjoy lunch, Wednesday, October 13, 2021.

Local Economy

What Yusuf said was in line with the statement by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Amali, who said that the existence of the Papua PON was a trigger for improving the community's economy and local economic growth.

This is not the first time Menpora Amali has visited a food stall. Previously, Minister of Youth and Sports Amali enjoyed food at Cantika restaurant which used the buffet concept.

Not only that, the minister who came from the Golkar Party also took the time to visit the Papuan Mamas market and bought an auction of Arabica coffee and authentic Tiom coffee made by Papuan children.

4 Missions
Not only that, the minister who comes from the Golkar Party also took the time to visit the Papuan Mamas market and buy an auction of Arabica coffee and authentic Tiom coffee made by Papuan children.

Another fact can be seen from the statement from the Head of the BI Papua Representative, Naek Tigor Sinaga, who said that since the PON event, the circulation of money from the Coffee Festival had reached 1.8 trillion.

Yes, PON XX Papua does carry out four missions. Namely, successful implementation, successful achievement, administrative success and success in generating the economy.

"This is the fourth success, based on the BI report that the circulation of money during PON reached trillions of rupiah, meaning this is a tremendous economic impact. Likewise with the Coffee Festival, we know that in Papua there are many kinds of delicious coffee, and hundreds of MSMEs participated, " said the Minister of Youth and Sports Amali at the time.

For other successes such as organizing, Papua has shown the world that even major sporting events can be carried out properly, smoothly, safely, and comfortably. "Torang Bisa, Papua has been able to organize a big event, and this is the first success," he said.

SOURCE : https://id.berita.yahoo.com/pon-xx-papua-tak-sekadar-233000169.html

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