Vice President: Hope the Increase in Papua Special Autonomy Fund has a Big Impact

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin hopes that the increase in Papua's Special Autonomy (Otsus) funds will have a major impact on community development.

According to him, there are two bases for developing Papua, namely Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 9 of 2020 and Law No. 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua.

“Now, the special autonomy fund will be increased. The benefits must be felt directly based on government programs and with governance supervision," said Ma'ruf who is also the Chair of the Special Agency for the Acceleration of Development in Papua, Thursday (12/8/2021).

He added that his task was to clearly guard the special autonomy funds so that they do not leak everywhere, especially in the aspects of education, health, economy, and others.

“We want to remove existing obstacles such as political, psychological and technical ones. Do not let the government already have a strong affirmation, this cannot be realized. because this development discourse has been around since 2001," said Ma'ruf.

The vice president said that the government created the Special Agency for the Acceleration of Development in Papua solely to facilitate coordination to make it more effective.

"Including the scale one affirmation which is the government's commitment to give Papuan sons the opportunity to take part in being a policeman, a soldier, an employee of a state-owned enterprise," he said.

He emphasized that this year the spirit of the government wants Papua to progress quickly and not be left behind from other regions.

It is known, the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Government have just ratified the Revised Law (RUU) on Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua through a plenary meeting of the DPR, on Thursday (15/7/2021).

In the contents of the draft of the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Papua Province, there is a change, one of which is the special autonomy fund which increased by 0.25 percent.

In the old law, Papua's special autonomy fund was 2 percent.

However, after being revised, it was increased to 2.25 percent.

"Special revenue in the context of implementing Special Autonomy in the amount equivalent to 2.25 percent of the ceiling of the national General Allocation Fund," reads Article 34 paragraph (3) letter e in the draft bill.


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