The PON XX kite flying venue is 90 percent ready

The kite flying venue prepared for the XX National Sports Week (PON) has reached 90 percent progress. This venue takes a long time to build the heap.

The venue, which is located on land belonging to the Air Force Base (Lanud) of the Indonesian Air Force Yohanis Kapiyau, Mimika Regency, is just working on leveling the embankment and planting grass.

The Head of the Mimika Regency PUPR Service, Robert Mayaut, said that the construction of the kite flying venue used Mimika's APBD funds of more than Rp. 14 billion and the collaboration of Papua Province APBD funds of more than Rp. 20 billion.

Mayaut explained that the construction of the kite flying venue was designed not only for the implementation of PON XX, but also as a parking platform for commercial aircraft from Moses Kilangin Airport after PON XX later.

"For the design, we designed the height of the embankment to be more than 1 meter because the plan is not only for PON, this design will also function after PON later as a parallel taxi. After the plane lands, it can park there and can be parallel to the runway. We give space there," explained Mayaut to the Jubi media crew, recently.

Meanwhile, the superintendent of the kite flying venue project, Lilik Baskoro said that the venue had already gone through a land hoarding process that took a long time.

Lilik explained that the length of the venue is 860 meters with a width of 75 meters. The venue will only be used for the runway which will be used in the PON XX kite flying sport.

“The hoarding has been done, now it's just a matter of leveling the pile and planting grass. As for the stockpile, it is 100 percent. So there is no more hoarding. That's the progress. If the building has 1. At least the working time is not long, about a week. The target grass planting may be more than two weeks. So there will also be a grass maintenance period,” explained Lilik.

He revealed that the grass that will be used at the kite flying venue will be elephant grass and manila grass. The grass will be imported from East Java or Central Java.

"The grass is a type of manila grass and local elephant grass, we plan to bring the grass from East Java or Central Java," he said.

For the standardization of the Mimika kite flying venue, Lilik claims that it has a national standard, even later it can be used also for international purposes.

"For the venue, we follow the standards of the Technical Delegate (TD). According to the drawing procedure and what the design looks like. The standardization is for national but also for international kite flying," he said.

Although the implementation of PON XX only leaves 85 days, Lilik is optimistic that the work can be completed on time.

The venue itself began to be worked on in December 2020 based on a contract and was carried out by the implementing contractors PT Mandava Putra Utama and PT Pilar Delta Cakra. The work target is according to the contract, which is 210 days.

"We are optimistic that everything can be finished before the PON later. Overall, 90 percent of the work on this venue has progressed," he said.

This kite flying venue will compete in the Aerospot sport of kite flying discipline with 12 competition numbers, including the men's number Precision Landing Schweizer SGS 1-26, Precision Landing Schweizer SGU Class 2-22, Duration FIight Schweizer Class SGS 1-26, Flight Duration Schwelzer Class SGU 2-22, Precision Landing Class Schweizer SGU 2-22 Teams and Flight Duration Schweizer Class SGU 2-22 Teams.

Women's numbers are Precision Landing Schweizer Class SGS 1-26, Precision Landing Class Schweizer SGU 2-22, Flight Duration Schweizer Class SGS 1-26 and Flight Duration Schweizer Class SGU 2-22. And two mixed numbers, namely Precision Landing Class Schweizer SGU 2-22 Duration and Flight Class Schweizer SGU 2-22.


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