Pressing Cases in the 150s, Yapen Islands Starts Vaccination against Covid-19

In the midst of the Covid-19 case that required the implementation of emergency community activity restrictions (PPKM) for the islands of Java and Bali from July 3-20, good news came from Eastern Indonesia, specifically from the Yapen Islands Regency, Papua Province.

The Regent of the Yapen Islands Regency, Tony Tesar, explained his strategy in suppressing the Covid-19 number to normal levels, even to 0. He also started to carry out mass vaccinations for Yapen Islands residents which had started yesterday at his official residence.

Together with the Presidential Special Staff, Billy Mambrasar from Papua, Tony Tesar discussed the development of the Covid-19 case in the area. There are several strategies, apart from starting the mass vaccination, which is to strictly control the flow of people entering and leaving the Yapen Islands Regency, mainly through sea and air routes.

Then provide emergency facilities if there is a sudden spike in cases and carry out continuous education so that all people comply with health protocols.

The Regent continues to hope that the community can follow the prokes. In addition, the education provided also follows the government's prokes, namely the 5 M, namely wearing masks, washing hands with soap and running water, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobilization and interaction.

Tony Tesar further explained that the suppression of the number of Covid-19 cases in the Yapen Islands Regency was due to the cooperation of the government and the community.

"The handling of Covid-19 in the Yapen Islands Regency has so far been quite under control. Since the beginning of Covid-19 until now, there have been approximately 150 cases, which in the end have all been kept by tracing and implementing health protocols," said Tony Tesar.

To support the government of the Republic of Indonesia program in fighting the spread of the Covid-19 virus, Tony Tesar also supports and mobilizes all communities in the Yapen Islands Regency to carry out Covid-19 vaccinations.

"Let's support President Jokowi's programs, such as vaccinations, to increase mass immunity, in addition to continuing to follow health protocols with discipline," said Tesar.

Billy Mambrasar directly attended the vaccination activity in the Yapen Islands Regency, Papua Province. With the achievement of the vaccination target in Indonesia, it is hoped that Covid-19 cases can decrease and industrial sectors can run normally which will have an impact on economic recovery in Indonesia.

"We pray for the Yapen Islands Regency to remain safe, remain under control and hopefully districts throughout Indonesia can also manage it well," said Billy Mambrasar at the end of the discussion with the Yapen Islands Regent, Papua Province.


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