The Situation in Puncak Regency is Gradually Conducive After the KKB Attack

Conditions in Ilaga, Puncak Regency, Papua have gradually become conducive. This was stated by Dandim 1714/Puncak Jaya, Lt. Col. Inf. Rofi Irwansyah.

"Currently conditions, especially in Ilaga, Puncak Regency, have gradually become conducive," said Lt. Col. Inf. Rofi in Mimika, Saturday (5/6/2021).

According to Lt. Col. Rofi, the TNI-Polri security forces are currently carrying out security, especially in urban areas and at Aminggaru Airport, which had experienced KKB disturbances.

The TNI-Polri in carrying out security apply a city security system that is more focused on the area around the city and the boundaries of the area to the city.

"The city limits anticipate terrorist separatist groups entering urban areas," said the Dandim.

Currently, the Dandim said that community activities, especially in urban areas, were monitored to run normally. It's just that flight activities at Aminggaru Airport have been temporarily suspended while waiting for the situation to be really conducive.
"The airport's activities are currently still being turned off first. The plan is next week. We will secure it later. We hope that next week and maybe Monday at the earliest, it will be back to normal," he said.

Previously, on Thursday (3/6/2021) to Friday (4/6/2021), KKB carried out security disturbances in urban areas by burning a number of facilities at Aminggaru Airport.

The incident occurred after the shooting of a civilian in Eromaga Village, Omukia District. The officers who evacuated the victims were attacked by the KKB until gunfire was unavoidable.


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