Special Autonomy Contributes Positively to the Papuan Community

2021 is a new chapter for Papua, in addition to holding the National Sports Week (PON) it will also extend the implementation of special autonomy. The public does not need to worry about the pros and cons of this program, because in Papua Special Autonomy Volume 2 there will be many changes. Starting from the addition of special autonomy funds to the previous evaluation of Special Autonomy so that it can run even better.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked to maintain the spirit and create a new paradigm in Special Autonomy (Otsus) Volume 2 in Papua. This is in order to be able to produce a leap in welfare progress for the people of Papua and West Papua.

It should be noted that from 2002 to 2020, Papua and West Papua have received special autonomy funds of up to Rp 126.99 trillion. Since it was first distributed, the total disbursed funding support has increased from time to time. In 2002, the funds disbursed amounted to Rp. 1.38 trillion, while in 2020 it was Rp. 13.05 trillion. This means that there has been a significant increase of up to 10 times since the funds were rolled out. The fund is also one of the instruments used by the central government in accelerating development in the two provinces.

Talking about Otsus is not only about funds, but also special affirmation rights for Indigenous Papuans (OAP) to get the right to health, education, economic welfare, become the main leader in government, employment, infrastructure development services, and so on. The support for special autonomy funds is actually intended to finance education and health, as well as support for financing infrastructure development.

In Otsus already contained various major breakthroughs, where Papuans are given more authority and greater responsibility. On the other hand, special autonomy is intended to provide protection for OAP empowerment. Otsus was also prepared by intelligent Papuan community groups that were adapted to the needs of the times.

The presence of Otsus provides enormous benefits that are focused on four priority programs. Such as aspects of education, health, infrastructure, and community economic empowerment. This is proof that the central government's attention to Papua is so great and is proof that Papua is part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

SOURCE: https://baliexpress.jawapos.com/read/2021/04/22/256215/otsus-berkonribu-positif-bagi-dunia-papua

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