The Government Optimizes Development in Papua

President Jokowi's administration is boosting development in Papua, so that there is justice between progress in western and eastern Indonesia. To optimize the modernity program on Earth of Cendrawasih, special autonomy will be continued in 2021. Otsus is very good because it makes the lives of the Papuan people more prosperous.

Papua is a beautiful area but unfortunately not as developed as in Jakarta. To promote modernity in Cendrawasih Earth, the government made special autonomy starting in 2001. This program will be continued in 2021 because it has been proven to advance Papua, and volume 2 of Special Autonomy is expected to further optimize development there.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani stated that the special autonomy budget volume 2 was increased, from 2% of the national general allocation fund (DAU), to 2.5%. So that the provincial governments of Papua and West Papua receive funds of up to trillions of rupiah. An increase in the special autonomy fund is indeed necessary, because of the inflation factor and to accelerate progress in Papua.

Sri Mulyani continued, for the special autonomy fund volume 2, it was given through a transfer through a block grant and performance based scheme. This means that the use of funds is handed over directly to the governments of Papua and West Papua, because there is regional autonomy. However, its use is certainly in accordance with the priorities and needs of the people there.

The provision of funds via transfer and use by local governments shows that the central government trusts the capabilities of the Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe and the Governor of West Papua Dominggus Mandacan. In addition to implementing regional autonomy, the use of funds by local governments allows the Governor to use them directly without having to consult with the central government.

In addition, when funds are provided and managed directly by the regional governments of Papua and West Papua, they immediately allocate them for urgent needs. For example, in one district, the Puskesmas was damaged, so it was renovated using special autonomy funds. So that people will not be confused when going for treatment.

The provision and management of funds by the regional government proves the ability of the 2 governors, in Papua and West Papua. They already understand what Papuan civilians need. In addition, they also know the psychology of the community, and understand how to explain to them the benefits of Special Autonomy Volume 2.

Volume 2 of Otsus is very useful because the program budget is not only used for infrastructure development such as bridges and buildings. However, it is also used for other purposes, such as in the fields of education, health, religion, economy, and others. So that the Papuan people will be more advanced, because there is progress in various fields, thanks to the special autonomy fund.

A clear example of the use of special autonomy funds is the scholarships enjoyed by the sons of Papua. They can go to school and get a scholarship, so they are not confused about paying tuition and buying uniforms. If they are really smart, they can apply for college scholarships to Java or other areas in Indonesia, even abroad like the United States.

One of the officials who is an alumnus of the special autonomy scholarship is Billy Mambrasar. He succeeded in becoming an official in Jakarta, when President Jokowi was appointed as one of the special staff for millennials. Billy's success shows that the special autonomy scholarship has a good effect for decades to come, because it makes the lives of the Papuan people shine even more.

When the special autonomy was extended, the Papuan people agreed. Because they are aware that progress on Earth of Cendrawasih is due to the special autonomy fund. When there is a special autonomy program volume 2, it is hoped that Papua will be more modern and no longer lag behind Java. The government is trying to make Earth of Cendrawasih more advanced and no longer synonymous with backwardness.

The progress in Papua thanks to the special autonomy fund is highly appreciated by the civilians on Earth of Cendrawasih. They appreciate President Jokowi who is very concerned about Papua, and wants there to be equitable development in both western and eastern Indonesia. The President implements Pancasila and acts fairly to his people.


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