Thanks to the Special Autonomy Fund, many Papuan youths are able to study abroad

Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua and West Papua is considered as state recognition of Papua as an area with special characteristics. It can be interpreted that the state respects indigenous peoples and their traditional rights as long as they are alive, which is embedded in the frame of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The Otsus that is being carried out is also an elaboration of the constitution," said Moksen Idris Sirfefa, Institutional Expert for the Papuan Desk at Bappenas, in the discussion "How can Otsus make the Papuan people prosperous?"

Moksen explained, Otsus is a political decision between Papua and the central government, which is mutually beneficial, applied rationally, moderately, democratically, as part of the middle way. If there is a shortage, then both parties can sit together.

Currently, there is a misunderstanding, as if Otsus will end in 2021, even though it will continue and be improved for the welfare of the Papuan people. Misunderstanding of Otsus is also because it is only assessed in terms of money or budget.

"Otsus is not only about money, there are many related things, starting with institutions, authority, human resources, many things, and that's all for Papua," he said.

Therefore, even though there are still shortcomings, it would be better for the local government to take full advantage of the implementation of Otsus because it is guaranteed by the constitution. Another thing, from the Bappenas study, as well as a study conducted internally by the Papuan regional government, if the Otsus funds stop later, it will disrupt the fiscal capacity of the two provinces in Papua, reaching 60 percent.

So far, the Special Autonomy funds have been quite helpful and useful for infrastructure health education and affirmations for indigenous Papuans, which through the Special Autonomy funds are also used to finance the Papuan People's Assembly. So, he invites all parties in Papua to really study, so that there are no misunderstandings.

"There are policies in the implementation that are successful and those that are not, which are successfully improved if they are not successful in correcting corrections, the way of looking at Otsus must be careful, thoroughly reviewing all the consequences," he said.

In the same place, Jayapura Mayor Benhur Tommy Mano added that the Special Autonomy funds had helped local government administration, especially in sectors related to improving human resources. Thanks to the Special Autonomy Fund, Jayapura's development is also more mobile, marked by infrastructure improvements, as well as an increase in the achievement of the human development index and life expectancy that continues to improve, from year to year.

“Otsus' journey for 19 years since 2002, I say there has been progress from various aspects compared to the period before Otsus. Although it has not met the expectations of all people, because there are inhibiting factors from internal and external, "he said.

According to him, the implementation of Otsus in Jayapura has been successful and Otsus needs to continue, because the level of dependence on Otsus fiscal is quite large. Moreover, thanks to the Special Autonomy Fund, the Jayapura government was able to send their children abroad. Advancing Papuans, improving infrastructure, health. Therefore, in the future, the Special Autonomy funds must really be used for the welfare of the Papuan people.

Jimmy Demianus Ijie, Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PDIP-P faction, said that in order for the implementation of special autonomy to be truly optimal, the government needs to treat the Papuan people with full dignity by giving them full authority in managing autonomy. Therefore, he advised the government to also learn from other countries such as Italy in granting special autonomy.

“Papuans want to be treated with dignity, they should be respected, give them the authority to manage their autonomy. The government seems to have no clear stance, on the one hand, the legal part of Indonesia's final, on the other hand there are doubts about being released, this is because the approach to Papua is not with the heart, but with caution," he said.

For the record, the implementation of Special Autonomy in Papua and West Papua has been running since the enactment of Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Papua Province. The regulation was later amended in Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) No. 1 of 2008 which also became the legal umbrella for the Special Autonomy. In the law, it is stated that the Papua Special Autonomy Fund is calculated at 2 percent of the General Allocation Fund (DAU) ceiling which is valid for 20 years.

In accordance with the mandate of the law, the allocation of the Papua Province Special Autonomy Fund is equivalent to two percent of the total National General Allocation Fund (DAU) ceiling. The Special Autonomy Fund is budgeted to support the implementation of special autonomy, especially in the fields of education and health.

"Otsus is also directed to fund infrastructure development and maintenance, people's economic empowerment, poverty alleviation, as well as funding for education, social and health," Jimmy concluded.


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