OPM Commander Surrenders: Eating Is Difficult, We Are Fooled by Politicians

One of the OPM commanders surrendered and declared his return to the fold of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

In the video circulating, the leader of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) appears to be standing giving directions to his men in the forest.

On his left and right, the Morning Star flag flies.

"I am the commander-in-chief of the OPM saying that at this time we can no longer survive like this in the forest," he said in the video.

He claimed to be starving in the forest and being deceived by politicians.

"Eating is already difficult, we are tricked by politicians using us to fight in the forest," he continued.

After rejoining the Republic of Indonesia, the OPM commander stated that he would return his weapons to the TNI-Polri.

"We will return to NKRI all our weapons to the TNI-Polri, we will return all weapons," he said.

He invited his comrades in arms to return to the NKRI and leave the OPM.

POJOKSATU.id, PAPUA – One of the OPM commanders surrendered and declared his return to the fold of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

In the video circulating, the leader of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) appears to be standing giving directions to his men in the forest.

On his left and right, the Morning Star flag flies.

"I am the commander-in-chief of the OPM saying that at this time we can no longer survive like this in the forest," he said in the video.

He claimed to be starving in the forest and being deceived by politicians.

"Eating is already difficult, we are tricked by politicians using us to fight in the forest," he continued.

After rejoining the Republic of Indonesia, the OPM commander stated that he would return his weapons to the TNI-Polri.

"We will return to NKRI all our weapons to the TNI-Polri, we will return all weapons," he said.

He invited his comrades in arms to return to the NKRI and leave the OPM.

"Come on, friends who are abroad and at home. That's your land, that's your nation, don't want to be used," he explained.

"I say we are returning to the Republic of Indonesia because all this time we have been deceived by OPM predecessors," he added.

During the struggle for Papuan independence, many of his comrades died in the forest.

"It is useless for us to escape, many of our brothers died in the forest, we return to the Republic of Indonesia to live in peace," he concluded.

In May 2021, Alex Hamberi, the Governor of the Federal Republic of West Papua (NRFPB) and one of the OPM commanders surrendered.

Alex Hamberi and 17 of his members came to the Nemangkawi Task Force to reaffirm their loyalty to the Republic of Indonesia.

The head of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) was revealed by Kasatgas Nemangkawi, Kombes Iqbal Al Al Qudussy to reporters in Jakarta, Thursday (6/5/2021).

Iqbal conveyed that the surrender of the OPM leadership and 17 of his subordinates was carried out in Sima village, Your District, Nabire, on Tuesday night (4/5/2021).

“In his statement, Alex said that he had been appointed Governor of the NRFPB in Nabire Regency, Papua. However, because of self-awareness, he returned to the Republic of Indonesia because he considered this step to be wrong," said Iqbal.

Alex invited 17 of his members to reclaim their loyalty to the Republic of Indonesia.

When they surrendered, they tightly gripped the red and white flag representing the return of Alex and his friends to the motherland's lap.

"Grateful and grateful for the return of Alex Hamberi to the Republic of Indonesia, I hope that all NRFPB sympathizers will follow suit," concluded Iqbal.

SOURCE: https://pojoksatu.id/news/berita-nasional/2021/06/02/panglima-opm-serah-makan-susah-kita-ditipu-politikus/

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