Cool! International Standard PON XX Papua Tennis Venue

The XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) event in 2021 will feel special, because many magnificent venues are prepared to welcome the biggest sporting event in Indonesia.

One of them is the tennis sport venue, which is located in the Jayapura mayor's office area. This venue has international standards.

This venue is equipped with 7 tennis courts, of which 3 are for warm-up and 4 for competition. This venue also has 2 stands which can accommodate 500 spectators.

"This venue is also equipped with two lifts, because the building has four floors, so this lift is intended for disabled access and VIP guests," said Site Manager of PT Widya Satria - PT. Citra Inscription of Konsorindo, Agung Pranata, told reporters in Jayapura, Monday (06/07/20).

Agung added that the tennis venue for PON XX can also be used to hold night matches, where each court is equipped with lights according to the standards proposed by the Technical Delegate (TD) for tennis.

"The standard field lights are 2,000 lux, here we install 2,500 lux for each field. We install 12 lights in one field, so the total lights for the field are 84 lights," he explained.

The work on the tennis venue which will be used for XX PON has reached 94 percent progress or is nearing completion. Based on the contract, the venue is targeted for completion in August.

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