KKB Shoots Dead 5 Civilians in Yahukimo Papua

The armed criminal group (KKB) is at it again in Yahukimo, Papua. They shot five civilians to death.
The incident occurred on Thursday (24/6). One of the victims was the chief of the Pingki tribe, Obaja. The other four victims were construction workers.

"I just received a report confirming that the four victims were not employees of PT Crenoma, but construction workers from Sangir, who built people's houses," said Danrem 172/PWY Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan, quoted by Antara, Friday (25/6/2021).

Pangemanan admitted that he had not been able to go to the TKP because the location was far from Dekai, the capital of Yahukimo Regency. However, a joint TNI-Polri team is scheduled to go to the scene to evacuate victims today. However, the evacuation depends on the weather considering that to reach the area one must cross a river which is reported to be overflowing.

"Friday, the joint TNI-Polri team to the TKP was only able to find out with certainty the incident and at the same time evacuate the victims," ​​Pangemanan said.

Pangemanan said, from reports received shortly after the attack, the Pingki tribal chief tried to defend the construction workers. However, the KKB shot and killed the chief of the Pingki tribe.

Prior to the attack on construction workers, a dump truck with the license plate number DS-9655-MA belonging to PT Crenoma was also shot and hit the lower right front in Pingki village.

The shooting incident caused the driver to turn around and flee to the Kali Kuk Km 47+600 camp.

Pangemanan said that the perpetrator of the shooting and torture that killed civilians in Pingki Village, Yahukimo Regency, Papua, was the KKB led by Tandius Gwijangge (TG).

SOURCE : https://news.detik.com/berita/d-5619276/kkb-tembak-mati-5-warga-sipil-di-yahukimo-papua

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