Wearing Traditional Clothes, Papuan Youth Supports Special Autonomy Volume II


A number of Papuans staged a parade wearing traditional clothing near the State Palace, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Monday (1/3/2021) afternoon. The aim of this action is to support Special Autonomy Volume II.

"Our friends have been doing activities today, the point is to unite Indonesia to support autonomy (special autonomy) volume two, because that is the future of Papua," explained Chairman of the Alumni Corps of the Irian Jaya Indonesian Student Association, Jusman Nortonggo, Monday (1/3 / 2021).

There were 50 participants who wore a crown on their head made of bird feathers. Jusman emphasized that their goal was to use traditional clothes to introduce the culture of their respective tribes. (Also read; Papuan leaders support the sustainability of the Special Autonomy Fund)

"There were fifty people who participated. We wore the crowns of each of our tribes from Papua," said Jusmas. (Also read; Papua Special Autonomy Fund will be extended for another 20 years, the amount will also increase)

A number of police were on guard at the location to monitor the implementation of health protocols regarding Covid-19 from parade participants. The parade participants seemed to be keeping their distance and wearing masks.

"We also ask President Jokowi to be firm, that the special autonomy must be realized so that the Papuan people enjoy special autonomy," Jusman concluded.

The traffic flow was observed to be very smooth thanks to the assistance of the police and the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency. After carrying out the parade and conveying their aspirations, the participants disperse in an orderly manner.

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