Officially, the Technical Hand Book of PON XX Papua 2021 is published on the website

The Technical Hand Book (THB) or technical guidebook for the implementation of PON XX Papua 2021 is officially published on the PON website. The publication was made after THB PON XX Papua was received by the Information and Communication Technology (TIK) Sector from the Match Coordinator, Jan Jap Ormuseray.

The acceptance of THB PON XX Papua will be held at the Kotaraja Autonomous Hall, Jayapura City, Tuesday (27/4/2021). THB PON XX was arranged by PB PON together with sports branch administrators.

"You could say that THB is a holy book in the implementation of PON XX. The process, which lasted quite a long time and through intense discussion and coordination, everything went well. When talking about PON, the heart is in the field of competition where THB is the heart, "said General Secretary of PB PON Papua, Elia Loupatty.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the PB PON competition, Ormuseray, said that the handover of the THB was an important part because it would become a technical guidebook for the implementation of the XX PON next October. However, Ormuseray said there were still 4 sports that had not completed their THB, namely Fencing, Muaythai, Outdoor and Indoor Hockey.

"The THB that has submitted are 50 of the 54 disciplinary sports of PON XX because there are 4 THBs that have not been completed, we hope that they will be completed soon to be published," he said.

The implementation guide compiled by PB PON XX in Papua contains 44 things, including general information, a profile of the city where sports are held, the composition of the management and the organizing committee.

THB Futsal has been published with 49 other sports and can be downloaded for free on the official PB PON Papua XX website ( in the 'Technical Hand Book' menu.

Especially for the Futsal sport, THB PON XX Papua regulates several things as follows:

• Time and place
• Number of matches to be played
• PON Qualification System
• Participant provisions
• Daily Match Schedule
• Match system
• Match Registration
• Winner Award Ceremony
• Participants' equipment and supplies
• Board of Judges, Referees and Jury
• Provisions for Protests and appeals
• Procedure for calling athletes
• Anti Doping Control Regulations
• And others


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