Hundreds of Papuan Students and Youths Support Forward Otsus

Hundreds of students and youth who are members of the Papua Youth and Student Community throughout Jakarta agreed to support the continuation of the special autonomy policy (Otsus). This was conveyed after the early year service at the Papua Pavilion, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), East Jakarta, on Sunday (10/1).
The Chief Executive of the activity, Cornelia Eveline Cabuy, said that her party assessed that the implementation of Otsus was the best way to build the Earth of Cendrawasih in the future. Both physically and human resources.
"We support special autonomy in the future so that it becomes a change for Papua and can guarantee the needs of the Papuan people," he told reporters.
He emphasized that the current development process must continue to be implemented. This is believed to be able to improve the welfare of the Papuan people, especially during a pandemic like now.
"We think that the special autonomy will also have an impact on the sustainability of development in the Land of Papua. Moreover, development of education and health," he added.
Cornelia also asked the government to readjust the special autonomy funds to the needs and potential of each customary area in Papua and West Papua Provinces. That way, he said, assistance could be distributed to all the people there.
Not only that, he also appealed to Papuan youth and students in all study cities to be able to make good use of learning opportunities. So, the knowledge gained can be useful in their hometowns in the future.
"School properly so that the knowledge you get can be implemented for Papua in the future, so that Papua can be more advanced and develop again," he concluded.
The thanksgiving and worship service was led by Rev. Novrian Marlon. The participants who attended, although there were approximately 100 students and youth, they still applied the health protocol.


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