TNI Supports the Acceleration of Biak Hospital Development

TNI Supports the Acceleration of Biak Hospital Development

Danrem173 / PVB Brigadier General Iwan Setiawan reviewed the implementation of the Saireri customary COVID-19 referral hospital construction project which was built alongside the general hospital in the Biak area.

During the visit, Danrem 173 / Praja Vira Braja accompanied by the 1708 / BN Dandim Lieutenant Colonel Inf Ricardo Siregar met directly with the Head of the PUPR Service Office of Biak Regency Numfor Zacharias L.Mailoa, Director of the Biak Regional Hospital Dr. Ricardo Mayor, Head of the Transportation Service Fransisco Olla and person in charge field organizer PT. Adhi Karya Muntoha ST.

Head of Biak Regency PUPR Office Numfor Zacharias L.Mailoa in general said that the construction received funding from BNPB and the work was carried out by PT. Adhi Karya.

The construction of the COVID-19 referral hospital has begun since the groundbreaking was carried out by the Biak Regent of Numfor Hery Ario Naap on June 2, 2020.

He added that the central government assistance building consists of three buildings, namely a 10-bed isolation room, a quarantine room with a capacity of 40 beds and a mortal chamber measuring 15x20 meters.

The construction of the COVID-19 referral hospital is planned to be completed within the next two months after laying the first stone.

Regarding the earthquake resistant building construction that was asked by Danrem 173 / Praja Vira Braja, according to the person in charge of the field from PT Adhi Karya Muntoha explained that the construction of the hospital building was also in accordance with the procedures and provisions that must be implemented, including for earthquake resistant building construction.

Danrem 173 / PVB stressed that the TNI, especially Korem 173 / PVB, would fully support the acceleration of the construction of a COVID-19 patient referral hospital in Biak.

"As Danrem 173 / PVB invited all agencies related to this development project to coordinate and support each other so that the realization of the planned development can be realized in accordance with the time given by the government," said Brigadier General Iwan Setiawan.

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