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Increasing Tourism Human Resources in Papua, Kemenristekdikti Will Make a Community Academy |
The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education plans to establish Community Academies in Sorong and Raja Ampat, Papua to encourage improvement in the quality of human resources there, particularly in the field of tourism.
This was conveyed by the Director of Learning at the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Reset, Technology and Higher Education, Paristiyanti Nurwardani in Bandung some time ago.
According to Paristiyanti, to realize this plan, his party will support hundreds of students from various universities in Indonesia to jump in and join this program.
"This is a pilot project (pilot project) because we assess that there are many foreign tourists who come there, but are welcomed with unprofessional services so that the tour guides do not work according to international standards," she said.
Therefore, said Paristiyanti, as a person working in tertiary institutions, her party would invite students from various campuses to help help the standards of Papuans, especially in Sorong and Raja Ampat, so that the tour guides could get proper rights.
Parsitiyanti emphasized that there are still many Indonesians who have not been fortunate to study until they get a bachelor's degree. Maybe, she said, residents in Papua are only able to pay for college which is only one year. That is why she said, the government did not participate in making a program that could pass a year.
"Therefore we will create a special community academy for tourism in Papua. So in addition to being able to work with students from outside Papua, we will also strive to become community academy students.
According to Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, Community Academies are Higher Education institutions that hold vocational education at the level of diploma one (D1) or diploma two (D2) in one or several branches of science or technology based on local excellence or to meet special needs.
(* Kumparan.com)
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