BNPT Together Religious Leaders Inaugurate Papua House Prayer All Nation

Body National Countermeasures Terrorism (BNPT) together amount religious leaders inaugurate Papua Rumah Prayer All Nation in Sentani , Jayapura on Sunday (3/7).

Secretary of the BNPT Major General Dedi Sambowo say inauguration this as effort his side in embrace Public and educate score tolerance . According to Dedi , nuance moderate full with attitude each other value interfaith religious will prevent conflict in the middle Indonesian society .

“ Harmony people religious must started with method look , attitude and behavior moderate religion . _ Indonesia is plural nation , then _ required art in take care of it ," said Dedi in broadcast the press , Sunday (3/7).

General TNI star two this add Papua Home Prayer is BNPT partners in spread teachings love love and solution conflict without violence with idea moderation religion in Indonesia, especially in Papua.

Head of FKUB (Forum Harmony ) people Religion ) Papua Lipiyus Biniluk say background behind establishment the place this is activity prayer that becomes obligation every people religious and his wish build the place pray for all people man without looking at religion, ethnicity , and race .

“ I want to say prayer that important in any religion . Especially if added with fasting , that moments we believe in for wake up self that man no capable without help God ," he said.

The man who is also the founder of Papua Rumah Prayer All Nation this say method prayer and fast conducted in solution problems in Papua.


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