Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly: Necessary put forward approach assertive-humanist in Papua

Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo evaluate need put forward approach firm and humanist in complete various conflict in Papua .

Because of that according to he approach technical used _ more to operation territorial , is n't it operation combat .

" However , if Kopassus needed ready do operation combat To use crush disturbing separatists _ security and effort separate self from the Republic of Indonesia," said Bambang Soesatyo or bamsoet in his statement in Jakarta, Tuesday.

That thing he said moment accept visit Danjen Kopassus Brigadier General Iwan Setiawan, in Jakarta, Tuesday.
bamsoet explained , through the MPR RI FOR Papua forum which was filled members of the DPR RI and DPD RI who come from from the Electoral Districts of Papua and West Papua, the MPR RI will Becomes partner strategic for the TNI , including for Kopassus, in create atmosphere peace in Papua.

He explain , needed uniformity and similarity view all government "stakeholders" for one step complete conflict in Papua.

" The approach that should be done is approach welfare , no only approach operation military . Specifically to some areas that are frequent occur contact shoot , among others in the District Ilaga , District Peak ; District Krepkuri , Regency guess ; District Kenyam , District guess ; Gome District , . County Peak ; Mamberamo District , Mamberamo Raya District ; and District Omukia , County The peak ," he said .

He explain , approach well-being the among others with give service free health and education , because source conflict is consequence existence injustice as well as poverty .

Because of that according to he is the autonomy fund special ( Otsus ) must truly controlled and used for Upgrade well-being Papuan people .

According to he , various device law for advancing Papua already available , among others through the Act. No.2/2021 regarding Change Second on Law No. 21/2001 on Autonomy Special for Papua Province ; Instructions President ( Inpres ) Number 9 of 2020 concerning Acceleration of Welfare Development in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua; and Presidential Decree ( Keppres ) No. 20 of 2020 concerning the Coordination Team Integrated Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua Province and West Papua Province.

"It 's just the implementation that must be done run by precise and fast . Reflecting from implementation of the Papua Special Autonomy Law, from period 2002 to 2021 , the government center has channeling the Special Autonomy Fund and Additional Funds Infrastructure (DTI) of Rp138.65 trillion for Papua and West Papua provinces ," he said .

According to he , in 2005-2021 , transferred to regional and village funds (TKDD) to The provinces of Papua and West Papua have reached Rp702.3 trillion .

He assess , evaluate required for measure effectiveness , accountability and results from use budget the so that can give clarity the extent of the big budget the give impact real for life the people of Papua and West Papua.

SOURCE: Depankan-cepatan-cepat-humanis-di-papua

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