Freeport Gives IDR 4.9 Billion Bonus to XX Papua PON Athletes

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) symbolically handed over assistance or bonuses worth Rp. 4.9 billion, each to the PON XX Papua Men's Football Team of Rp. 1 billion and the Gold Medal-winning Athletes of PON XX Papua Rp. 3.9 billion at the Autonomous Service Office Hall. Papua Province, Kotaraja, Jayapura City, Papua, Wednesday (9/3/2022).
The bonus was symbolically handed over by the Secretary General of PB PON XX Papua 2021 Drs Elia I Loupatty, MM to the Men's Football Coach of PON XX Papua 2022 Eduard Ivakdalam, witnessed by PT Freeport Jayapura Representative Denni J Rumayomi, Deputy Chair of the Organization for KONI Papua George Weyasu, PB PON Management XX Papua 2021, KONI Papua Management.

Rumayomi said his party handed over a bonus worth Rp 4.9 billion, each to the men's soccer team PON XX Papua Rp. 1 billion and the gold medal-winning athlete PON XX Papua Rp. 3.9 billion.

"We give bonuses to the men's football team of PON XX Papua and athletes who won gold medals at PON XX Papua, to encourage Papuan athletes to excel in sports," said Rumayomi.

He said that his party apologized for the delay in submitting this bonus, which should have occurred at the closing of the XX Papua PON 2021.

But it can't be done, because there are internal PTFI affairs, which require a fairly long process, so it could only happen at the beginning of this year.
Loupatty said that his party would like to express their highest gratitude and appreciation to PT Freeport Indonesia, which cares so much for the development of achievement sports in Papua, through the distribution of bonuses to Papuan athletes who excel.

"We have received a transfer from PTFI in the form of a bonus to the men's football team PON XX Papua Rp. 1 billion and the gold medal-winning athlete PON XX Papua Rp. 3.9. So the total bunus is worth Rp 4.9 billion," said Loupatty.

It is said that his party will continue the bonus for the men's soccer team PON XX Papua through its coach. Meanwhile, the bonus for athletes who won gold medals at PON XX Papua, his party will coordinate with KONI Papua.

"Later on, we will coordinate the technical translation with KONI Papua. We also don't want there to be various interpretations," he explained.

George Weyasu said PTFI gave bonuses to athletes who won gold medals at XX Papua PON.

KONI Papua will help provide information and data related to medal-winning athletes at XX PON.

But with a note that potential athletes who excel in PON XX and still have the opportunity to participate in PON XXI in 2024 in Aceh and North Sumatra.

"They are the first priority for which we will prepare the data and we will submit it to PB PON for distribution according to the available funds to the athletes concerned," said Weyasu.

Meanwhile, Eduard Ivakdalam said, his party expressed their gratitude and thanked God, because everything could happen today.

“Yes, we are grateful to PB PON XX Papua, KONI Papua and also PTFI itself. Finally, everything can be done and can run well, because all the components are the same together. Finally, this bonus will be distributed to all of my friends," said the Persipura legend.


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