Toni Tabuni (24) and Kais Tabuni (25), two terrorist members of the armed criminal group (KKB) led by Ndeotadi, were arrested in Nabire, Papua, by the Task Force Team Gakkum Ops Damai Cartenz. Toni Tabuni was shot dead during the arrest.
Reported by detikSulsel, Wednesday (30/3/2022), the two were arrested in Siriwini Village, Nabire Regency, Papua, Tuesday (29/3). The arrests of the two began with the investigation by the Task Force for Gakkum Ops Damai Cartenz, so it was discovered that the suspect was in Siriwini Village, Nabire Regency.
"When the suspect was arrested, there was resistance by the suspect, Toni Tabuni, so that the personnel of the Task Force for Ops Damai Cartenz took decisive action (shot) which resulted in the death of the suspect," said Head of the Public Relations Task Force for Ops Damai Cartenz Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal in his statement.
Toni Tabuni's body is now in Nabire Hospital for post-mortem. Meanwhile, the suspect Kais Tabuni (25) was detained at the Nabire Police for further investigation.
"Personnel of Task Force Members of the KKB Leader Ndeotadi Arrested in Papua, 20 Ammunition Confiscated" read more
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