The KKB Terror in the Peak of Papua Continues, Residents Shot, Houses and Markets Burned

The action of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Puncak Regency, Papua, continues after Saturday (19/2/2022) they shot a Kopasgat member around Aminggaru Airport.

After the incident, KKB was found to have opened fire on a truck belonging to PT MTT. A resident named Glen Sumampo who was in the truck suffered a gunshot wound.

At the time of the incident, Glen Sumampo and his friend James Boniyaga drove a company truck to Kago Village, Ilaga District, to search for an internet network as well as to find gallons of drinking water.
"Arriving near the Kampung Kago Monument, KKB approached the truck driven by the victim with the excuse of borrowing a lighter to burn cigarettes," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes AM Kamal, in a written statement, Sunday (20/2/2022).

"Then the perpetrator immediately shot the truck which resulted in the victim being shot in the left rib, penetrating the upper right rib," continued Kamal.

Kamal said, after shooting, KKB immediately ran to the Telkomsel Tower located in Nipuralome Village.

Meanwhile, the victim, Glen Sumampo, was immediately evacuated to the Ilaga Health Center by his colleague using a two-wheeled vehicle.

It turned out that the KKB action did not stop there because then they set fire to the PT MTT office.

"After the shooting incident against PT MTT employees, thick smoke was seen from the direction of the Ilume River, Wako village, which is a mess for PT MTT employees and one of the houses burned down," said Kamal.

KKB terror continues on Sunday

The terror carried out by the KKB continued on Sunday (20/2/2022) when the security forces were trying to evacuate two shooting victims to Mimika by plane.

"While at the airport, suddenly from the top of the hill there were shots fired by the separatist and terrorist groups (KST) towards the security forces. So that the TNI officers from Kopasgat returned fire at the KKB," said Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Colonel Inf Aqsha Erlangga .

A TNI drone managed to record the movement of KKB members who carried out a terrorist act in Ilaga District, Puncak Regency, Papua, Sunday (20/2/2022)

After that, gunshots were also heard from the village of Nipuralome, which became the location for KKB's escape after shooting PT MTT employees on Saturday (19/2/2022).

"At 9.40 WIT, KKB fired again in Nipuralome Village, Ilaga District, which is adjacent to the Telkomsel Tower," said Aqsha.

The KKB's actions were increasingly troubling because they also set fire to the traditional market in that location.

To check the situation in Nipuralome Village, TNI personnel also lowered drones.

"Results from drone monitoring showed 7 KST people carrying 1 SS1 shoot around the Telkomsel Tower and a puff of smoke coming from the burned houses of residents," he said.

Shots were heard again but from a different location. According to Aqsa, KKB opened fire from the direction of Ilaga Traditional Market.

"Then at 10.35 WIT, another 15 gun shots were heard from the direction of the church building or under the State Hall of the Ilaga District, which is about 150 meters from the Ilaga Traditional Market," he said.

Not long after the incident, at around 11.48 WIT there was a suspicious action of two KKB members using a motorbike at high speed from the direction of Kunga Village, Gome District crossing the Gome Koramil Post.

"They were seen carrying red plastic bags carrying ammunition. Then TNI officers tried to stop them with warning shots, but the two KKB men managed to escape," said Aqsha.
From the terror act, Aqsa ensured that there were no casualties, but there were about four units of residents' houses that were burned by the KKB. Among those that have been detected are one housing complex in SMK N 1 Ilaga and one house near the Telkomsel Tower.

After the incident, Aqsha said, many people in the village of Nipuralome, Ilaga District, had fled to the area around the Ilaga Traditional Market.

"Let us urge those who are members of the KKB to immediately realize that their actions were truly barbaric by committing acts of terror, shooting people and including shooting security forces, which are inhumane acts, interfere with ongoing development in Papua, violate human rights and are not justified by law. any religion. Especially now is Sunday which is a holy day of worship for all Christians," said Aqsa.


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