661 Mamas in Papua in West Papua receive business capital for Pondok Pinang

The West Papua Provincial Government through the Social Service has distributed Rp. 3.3 billion of Pondok Pinang business capital to 661 native Papuan mothers to address social inequality in this province.

Head of the West Papua Province Social Service, Lasarus Indou in Manokwari, Friday, said that Rp. 3.3 billion was given to 661 Papuan mothers, with details of Rp. 5 million per person.

"The stimulus for the business capital of Pondok Pinang is handed over directly to a savings book at Bank Papua, hopefully it can be used for business turnover," said Lasarus Indou.

He said that prior to the provision of business capital, the West Papua Social Service since 2017 has focused on the physical construction of selling huts spread across 7 regencies and cities.
A total of 661 special selling huts for Papuan women selling areca nut have been built since 2017 spread across Manokwari, Raja Ampat, Kaimana, Wondama Bay, South Sorong, Arfak Mountains and Sorong city," he said.
He said that the program for building selling cottages and providing business capital was aimed at Papuan women, as a concrete step for the government to respond to the escalation of People with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS) and to overcome social inequality.

From a total of IDR 3,305,000,000 disbursed business capital, the first phase was given to 434 people, the details of which were from 2017 to 2020 with a total budget of IDR 2,170,000,000 sourced from the 2021 APBD-Amendment.
For the next stage in the 2022 fiscal year, the same capital was distributed to 227 people with a total value of Rp. 1,135,000,000.
"It is hoped that this stimulant can trigger Papuan mamas to develop their business in selling areca nut cottages and fulfill their daily household needs," he said.
Furthermore, West Papua Governor Dominggus Mandacan through Assistant II for Economics and Development Melkianus Werinussa said that alleviating social inequality in West Papua province is still a priority agenda in 2022.
He said that the provision of cottage or stall facilities to the provision of business capital to Papuan mothers was clear evidence of the existence of a state for indigenous Papuans.
"The state is obliged to serve and maintain the social welfare of its people in a planned and sustainable manner, this is in accordance with the mandate of Law 11 of 2009 concerning Social Welfare and is also strengthened through Law 21 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua," said Melkianus Werinussa.

SOURCE : https://papuabarat.antaranews.com/amp/berita/13361/661-mama-di-papua-di-papua-barat- Accept-modal-usaha-pondok-pinang661 Mamas in Papua in West Papua receive business capital for Pondok Pinang

The West Papua Provincial Government through the Social Service has distributed Rp. 3.3 billion of Pondok Pinang business capital to 661 native Papuan mothers to address social inequality in this province.

Head of the West Papua Province Social Service, Lasarus Indou in Manokwari, Friday, said that Rp. 3.3 billion was given to 661 Papuan mothers, with details of Rp. 5 million per person.

"The stimulus for the business capital of Pondok Pinang is handed over directly to a savings book at Bank Papua, hopefully it can be used for business turnover," said Lasarus Indou.

He said that prior to the provision of business capital, the West Papua Social Service since 2017 has focused on the physical construction of selling huts spread across 7 regencies and cities.
A total of 661 special selling huts for Papuan women selling areca nut have been built since 2017 spread across Manokwari, Raja Ampat, Kaimana, Wondama Bay, South Sorong, Arfak Mountains and Sorong city," he said.
He said that the program for building selling cottages and providing business capital was aimed at Papuan women, as a concrete step for the government to respond to the escalation of People with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS) and to overcome social inequality.

From a total of IDR 3,305,000,000 disbursed business capital, the first phase was given to 434 people, the details of which were from 2017 to 2020 with a total budget of IDR 2,170,000,000 sourced from the 2021 APBD-Amendment.
For the next stage in the 2022 fiscal year, the same capital was distributed to 227 people with a total value of Rp. 1,135,000,000.
"It is hoped that this stimulant can trigger Papuan mamas to develop their business in selling areca nut cottages and fulfill their daily household needs," he said.
Furthermore, West Papua Governor Dominggus Mandacan through Assistant II for Economics and Development Melkianus Werinussa said that alleviating social inequality in West Papua province is still a priority agenda in 2022.
He said that the provision of cottage or stall facilities to the provision of business capital to Papuan mothers was clear evidence of the existence of a state for indigenous Papuans.
"The state is obliged to serve and maintain the social welfare of its people in a planned and sustainable manner, this is in accordance with the mandate of Law 11 of 2009 concerning Social Welfare and is also strengthened through Law 21 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua," said Melkianus Werinussa.

SOURCE : https://papuabarat.antaranews.com/amp/berita/13361/661-mama-di-papua-di-papua-barat- Accept-modal-usaha-pondok-pinang

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