Former OPM Commander Asks the Governor of Papua to Go Home to Deal with Regional Problems

Former Commander of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) National Liberation Army in Keerom Regency, Lambert Pekikir asked Papua Governor Lukas Enembe to return to Papua to resolve various problems that had piled up.

"If he (Governor Lukas) manages politics in Jakarta, yes, that's his right. But when it comes to the people, I ask him to go home," said Lambert Pekikir, Monday (21/2/2022).

Governor Lukas Enembe is known to be in Jakarta for something. Previously, after a long journey, routine medical check-ups in Singapore, and quarantine in Jakarta, Lukas arrived in Papua on January 24. Not long after participating in a number of activities, Lukas left Papua again.

"As governor, by stating on social media that the Papuan people are not happy, he gave an answer, if he should always be in Papua and make the people happy," he said.

Lambert questioned, how could Governor Lukas make people prosperous if he was often outside Papua. "During his tenure, do not disappoint," continued Lambert.

Lambert asked Governor Lukas to concentrate more on meeting the needs of Papuans rather than dealing with politics. "The question is, how can he do that? If he only takes care of politics, the Papuan people will never be happy," he said.

According to Lambert, Governor Lukas should stay in Papua. "In order to know the problems that exist," he said.
Last week, Lambert suggested to Governor Lukas, as a state administrator, that Lukas should be in the midst of the community. "So, if he says that (Papuans) are not happy, that means he needs to work for a prosperous society," he said.

For Lambert, Luke should understand the situation where Papuans currently live below the standard of prosperity.

"If he has seen such conditions, he must do something," he said.
Rumors circulated that Governor Lukas' departure this time was to Jakarta for a political succession. Together with several followers and members of the Democratic Party in Papua, Lukas left for Jakarta two days ago.

There has been no official statement from the Papuan government regarding the departure of the number one person in Papua.


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