MPR-Government Agree to Continue Making Papua Safe, Peaceful and Conducive

MPR Chair Bambang Soesatyo together with Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD emphasized that the Government and MPR agreed to continue to make conditions in Papua (Papua and West Papua) more secure, peaceful and conducive. In the future, the approach taken will not rely on territorial operations, but will strengthen the national emotional humanist approach through various Papuan community leaders. It is no less important to prioritize a welfare approach for the Papuan people.

According to Komnas HAM records, throughout 2021, there have been 53 bloody Papuan incidents involving TNI/Polri personnel and Armed Violence Groups (KKB) in Papua, causing 47 victims, 24 of whom died. In early 2022, acts of violence are still happening. Among other things, the shooting of a member of the Nemangkawi Task Force in Kiwirok District; the attack on TNI soldiers who were repairing a bridge in the Aifat District, Middle East; the attack on the TNI Post in Gome District; and the shooting of TNI personnel in the Sugapa District.

Bamsoet, Bambang's nickname, explained that the MPR in its capacity as guardian of the constitution, climate and national political climate was called upon to build constructive thinking. Because in principle, every conflict resolution must be pursued through peaceful deliberation with an open mind, and without violence. So that you can see every problem from various points of view.
"The Central Government through the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs has made the MPR For Papua Communication and Aspiration Forum (MPR For Papua) a strategic partner in developing Papua by prioritizing a national emotional humanist approach," said Bamsoet, after a meeting between the leaders of the MPR, MPR for Papua, and Mahfud MD, at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Jakarta, Wednesday (16/2).

Also present were Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Ahmad Muzani, Leader of the MPR for Papua and Member of the DPD for the Electoral District of Papua Yorrys Raweyai, Secretary of the MPR for Papua and Member of the DPD for the Electoral District of West Papua Filep Wamafma, Deputy Chief of the National Police Komjen Pol Gatot Eddy Pramono, Deputy Head of BIN Lt. Gen. TNI Teddy Lhaksmana Widya Kusuma, Kasum TNI Lieutenant General TNI Eko Margiyono, Deputy Head of Intelligence and Security of the Police Inspector General Pol Merdisyam, Secretary General of the People's Consultative Assembly Ma'ruf Cahyono, and Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs Suhajar Diantoro.
The chairman of the 20th DPR explained that the MPR For Papua consists of 21 MPR members from the Electoral Districts of Papua and West Papua. Consists of 4 members of the DPD for the Electoral District of Papua, 4 members of the DPD for the Electoral District of West Papua, 10 members of the DPR for the Electoral District of Papua, and 3 members of the DPR for the Electoral District of West Papua. It is very appropriate to bridge and at the same time help socialize various work programs that have been carried out by the central government to the Papuan people.
"In addition, it is also necessary to support the general chairman and leaders of political parties. Because political parties have cadres down to the village, RW, to RT levels, to strengthen the national net in Papua. Therefore, meetings with political party leaders also need to be held by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs together with the MPR. For Papua. So that issues related to Papua are no longer of international concern, especially in various trials at the United Nations (United Nations/UN)," explained Bamsoet.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party explained that various legal instruments for advancing Papua are already available. Among others, through Law Number 2/2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 21/2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Papua Province; Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua; and Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 20 of 2020 concerning the Integrated Coordination Team for the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua.

It's just the implementation that must be carried out correctly and quickly. Reflecting on the implementation of the Special Autonomy Law for Papua, from the period 2002 to 2021, the Central Government has disbursed the Special Autonomy Fund and Additional Infrastructure Fund (DTI) of Rp. 138.65 trillion for Papua and West Papua.
"Meanwhile, in the period 2005 to 2021, transfers to regions and village funds (TKDD) to the provinces of Papua and West Papua have reached Rp. 702.3 trillion. Evaluation is needed to measure effectiveness, accountability, and output. So that it can provide clarity on the extent of the budget The big ones have a real impact on the lives of the people of Papua and West Papua," explained Bamsoet.

The Deputy Chairperson of FKPPI emphasized that welfare development in Papua must be directed at the transformation of special autonomy which is focused on 5 acceleration frameworks. Broadly speaking, it includes accelerating the development of superior, innovative, and characterized human resources; acceleration of economic transformation and development; acceleration of basic infrastructure development; improvement and preservation of the environment; and accelerated bureaucratic reform.

"All of them are focused on the spirit of siding with indigenous Papuans, and lead to the realization of a Papuan society that is advanced, prosperous, peaceful, and dignified. Remember, Earth of Cenderawasih with its natural wealth and cultural diversity is like a jewel of the equator that beautifies the face of the archipelago. Indonesia without Papua is not Indonesia. Maintaining the peace of Papua is an inseparable part of efforts to improve the welfare of the Papuan people," concluded Bamsoet.


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