The Jayapura Regent asks to prepare the younger generation to be ready to compete

The Regent of Jayapura, Mathius Awoitauw asked the village government officials and parents, to prepare the younger generation who are ready to compete and able to publish the best things from their respective villages.

"If possible, the village also has a TikTok account, every young person must have a TikTok account. The goal is to publish positive things from the village. For example, regarding the economy, tourism, culture, sports and other excellent potentials," said Regent Mathius in Ebungfa Village on the sidelines of the inauguration of the elected village head, Wednesday (16/2/2022).

According to him, the development of technology and information in other parts of the world can be followed. Therefore, today's young generation must be more creative.

“Obhe (traditional pavilion) is a place that can be used to publish all cultures, customs, and other positive things. The most important thing is that parents must direct and provide positive things as lessons for our younger generation," he said.

The Regent added, Kampung Yoboi is one of the best examples that can be learned together. Creative young people work and publicize all the potential of Yoboi Village, and many guests from outside to classes of central government officials come to visit.

“For the younger generation, talk less and argue about politics. Strengthen yourself with things that bring results as a steady income, improve the family economy, have a good life, then talk about politics," he said.

Separately, Ondofolo Kampung Ebungfa, Yoram Monim said the habits and culture of the young generation today have experienced a very big shift in values.

"From knowledge and technological sophistication, there is a positive impact on the lives of our children, but there is also a negative impact when changes in attitudes and behavior are shown that are not in accordance with our cultural norms and ethics," he said.


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