Jayapura Diskominfo Distributes Books and Basic Food Assistance to Children Affected by the Nimbokrang Flood

The Jayapura Regency Communication and Information Office (Kominfo) distributed aid in the form of books and basic necessities to residents and children affected by the floods in Nimbokrang in mid-January 2022.

The flood that hit Nimbokrang District, Jayapura Regency, in mid-January had an impact on schools, namely Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Cendrakasi Nimbokrang, Nimbokrang Village, Nimbokrang District, Jayapura Regency.
Jayapura Regency Head of Communications and Information, Gustaf Griapon told Tribun-Papua.com, Wednesday (2/2/2022) that he was concerned about the disaster, his party handed over aid in the form of a book which was symbolically handed over to one of the representatives of PAUD Cendrakasi Nimbokrang teachers.

Three cartons of books were handed over. The books provided are reading books for children and library reading books. In addition to books, the Jayapura Regency Kominfo Service also handed over a number of food packages to residents affected by the Nimbokrang flood.
He continued, basic food packages such as rice and instant noodles were handed over to the Public Kitchen at the Nimbokrang Village Hall.

Gustaf appreciated the concern of partners at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in providing assistance to Cendrakasi PAUD in Nimbokrang District and jointly inspecting the flood-affected Cendrakasi PAUD locations.

"This is a form of moral support from our Ministry of Communication and Information to the residents and children of PAUD Cendrakasi Nimbokrang," said Gustaf.
"On behalf of the Jayapura Regency Government, we express our gratitude to our colleagues and partners from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, who helped alleviate the flood-affected Cendrakasi school or PAUD," he said.

Gustaf hopes that this concern will be proof of a better sense of solidarity

He also motivates and encourages educators and education staff in providing educational services in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and flood disaster.
"This is a donation from friends and in the future it is hoped that there will be more who want to donate," he said.

He hopes that the donation of books and food packages is not much, it is hoped that it can help ease the burden on flood victims and also PAUD Cendrakasi Nimbokrang.

SOURCE: https://papua.tribunnews.com/2022/02/02/diskominfo-jayapura-salurkan-bantuan-buku-dan-sembako-untuk-anak-anak-terdampak-gulung-nimbokrang

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