KKB Papua Burns SMAN 1 Oksibil, Police: They Don't Agree to See Advanced Education

Head of the Nemangkawi Public Relations Task Force Kombes Pol Ahmad Musthofa Kamal said that SMAN 1 Oksibil was allegedly set on fire by an armed criminal group (KKB) who did not like seeing Oksibil youths go to school and thought about advancing Papua.

"This KKB does not agree to see advanced education so that there is a fire before dawn at SMAN 1 Oksibil," said Kamal.

Kamal explained that the Nemangkawi Task Force together with the Bintang Mountains Police and the Pamrahwan Task Force received a report of a fire at SMAN 1 Oksibil located on Jalan Yapimakot, Esipding Village, Serambakon District, Bintang Mountains Regency, at 05.30 WIT.

The report from the Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Oksibil Kasiono was immediately followed up by the Police team to the location.

At 06.44 WIT, the Deputy Chief of the Bintang Mountains Police arrived at the location and immediately checked the fire scene while securing the location.

"Officers then carried out the crime scene (TKP)," said Kamal.

From the results of the crime scene, it is known that the fire at SMA Negeri 1 Oksibil allegedly occurred at 04.00 WIT. Meanwhile, the distance between the Resort Police and the TKP is about 10 km towards the Serambakon District.

There were two buildings of SMAN 1 Oksibil that caught fire, which consisted of three classrooms, one office, and one teacher's room.

"The SMAN 1 Serambakon complex consists of 11 building units made of wood/board," said Kamal.

From the results from the TKP, it was found that the location of SMAN 1 Oksibil that burned was close to the scene of the shooting of TNI personnel at the Yapimakot Serambakon Bridge in 2020 and 2021.

It is suspected that this fire incident was intentional, considering that the results of checking outside the scene at an altitude and shooting range found many traces of footwear, cigarette butts, and it was suspected that there was a place to lie down to monitor.

According to Kamal, the alleged KKB was responsible for the arson because local residents saw this morning not long after the fire burned down the school, several people carrying firearms and weapons of war passed not far from where the witness lived.

"The Bintang Mountains Police are still conducting further investigations," said Kamal.

After the incident, the Deputy Chief of the Bintang Mountains Resort Police together with the Police and the Joint Task Force of the National Police carried out patrols around the fire location while at the same time conveying to the people of the Serambakon District to jointly maintain the security and security situation in the area.

"The deputy head of the Bintang Mountains Resort along with the Police personnel and the Joint Sargas Police personnel continue patrols to ensure the situation remains safe and conducive," said Kamal.

SOURCE : https://www.voice.com/news/2021/12/06/052228/kkb-papua-bakar-sman-1-oksibil-polisi-they-tak-setuju-lihat-dunia-maju

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