Youth Fully Supports the Establishment of the Saereri Province DOB

The Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) together with Community and Youth Organizations (OKP) in four districts in the Saereri Indigenous Region held a declaration of Youth Solidity for the establishment of a New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Saereri Province, on the sidelines of the Youth Pledge Day at the Cenderawasih Youth Center, Thursday (28/10) last weekend.

There were five points stated in the declaration text which was held to coincide with the 93rd Youth Pledge Day, including; First, we, the youth and women of the Saereri Indigenous Region, declare ourselves to be united in language, unite in the nation, namely the Indonesian language and nation. Second, we, the youth and women of the Saereri customary area, uphold the solidity of youth to build and develop the Saereri Indigenous region as the basis for Human Resources (HR) in the Land of Papua.

The third point, we youths and women from the Saereri customary area fully support the efforts made by the Association of Regents throughout the Saereri Indigenous region to form a New Autonomous Region (DOB), namely the Saereri Province in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning the second amendment to the Law. Number of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua Province.

Fourth, to realize points 1, 2 and 3 above, we officially declare the establishment of Youth Solidity for the formation of the new autonomous regions of the Saereri Province. And the last point (fifth); In order to expedite the operation of team work, it is deemed important to have the support of the Saereri Regent association.

After being read out, the text of the declaration was signed directly by each KNPI Chair from the four regencies in the Saereri customary territory. They are the Chairman of the Biak Numfor District KNPI Jimmy C. Krobo, the Waropen District KNPI Chairman Hendrik Maniagasi, the Yapen Islands District KNPI Chairman Karel Suebu, the Supiori District KNPI Deputy Chair Paulus Rumbekwan, the Saereri Papua Youth Leader Gifli Buinei and OKP leaders from each district in the Saereri customary territory.

The declaration was attended by the Regent of Biak Numfor Herry Ario Naap, S.Si., M.Pd, Regent of Yapen Islands Tony Tesar, Assistant I of the Regional Secretariat of Supiori Regency Hengky Mandosir, Chairman of the Biak DPRD Numfor Milka Rumaropen, Chairman of the Yapen Islands Regency DPRD Yohanes G. Raubaba, S.Sos and a number of other officials.

"We made this declaration after holding a meeting of youth solidity throughout the Saereri customary area, where at that meeting we assessed that in order to optimize the management of natural resources and human resource development, including considerations for accelerating and equitable development in the Saereri region, we considered it necessary to form a new autonomous region, namely Saereri Province, for that reason, the declaration as a form of joint commitment was carried out," said Jimmy Krobo, chairman of the Biak Numfor Regency KNPI.


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