We all know that the Government is currently very aggressive in vaccinating the community and the Government's goal of this Covid-19 vaccination program is to vaccinate at least 70% of the population in Indonesia to realize the condition of community immunity or better known as herd immunity.

Thanks to the efforts of the Government, Indonesia has entered the list of the top 10 countries with the highest number of injections of the Covid-19 vaccine. Indonesia also ranks at the top in the scope of Southeast Asia.

Arowi 1 village community leader, Noak Korwa, said that many of the people in Arowi 1 village had a relatively low level of education so that people's understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic was not very good and this made many people still ignore it.

He said the low level of public understanding of Covid 19 meant that there were still many people who went about their activities without wearing masks and didn't care about health protocols. In addition, Arowi 1 village is located in a suburban area so this makes the government not focus too much on handling Covid 19 and socializing to the people of Arowi 1 village regarding health protocols, therefore there are still many people who do not know this

"We as one of the community leaders of Arowi Village support the government's Covid 19 handling program and we will urge the people of Arowi 1 Village to start complying with health protocols and support the existing vaccination program. Hopefully what the public hopes for the government, especially regarding the distribution of social assistance evenly, can be implemented immediately because currently many people are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and have difficulty meeting their daily needs," he concluded.


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