The National Police will send around 1,600 additional troops to help secure the XX National Sports Week (PON) which will be held in Papua in October 2021.
One of the reasons for sending the troops was to anticipate the threat of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) or the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in the Cenderawasih Earth area.
"Backup 16 SSK (Company Level Units) to help PAM (security) PON," said Assistant Chief of the National Police for Operations Inspector General Imam Sugianto to, Thursday (9/9).
For information, 1 SSK generally contains about 100 troops. Usually a company consists of three or four platoons.
Imam said the troops to be sent to Papua later came from the Mobile Brigade Corps (Brimob) throughout the archipelago. However, he has not detailed further about the origin of the areas that will send troops to secure the PON later.
PON is confirmed to be held as planned on 2-15 October. However, the government has not yet decided whether the activity will be carried out with or without spectators.
The Papuan Police stated that the KKB and demonstrations carried out by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) were anticipated as the main threats during the implementation of the PON.
"The main threat in Papua Province is interference from the KKB and KKP groups, it is also necessary to anticipate demonstrations carried out by the KNPB to try to thwart or create chaos during the implementation of PON XX Papua," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal.
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