Police Early Detection of Security Disturbances XX Papua PON

The Mimika Resort Police (Polres), Papua, continues to improve early detection of various potential security threats ahead of the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON). PON will be held on October 2-15, 2021.

Mimika Police Chief AKBP IGG Era Adhinata said, in an effort to carry out early detection of various potential threats, the TNI and Polri officers needed support from all parties. Especially community leaders, religious leaders to jointly maintain a conducive atmosphere before and during the XX Papua PON activities take place.

"Strengthening early detection must certainly be done so that PON XX Papua can run successfully and smoothly. All elements of intelligence as well as support from leaders are needed to maintain security condusiveness during the implementation of PON XX," said AKBP Era Adhinata, Wednesday (18/8) .

Last week, the Mimika Police received a visit from the National Police Chief's staff regarding the simulation of securing the XX Papua PON in the Mimika Regency cluster area. The Mimika Police Chief said how many security personnel will be involved during the implementation of the XX PON in Mimika will continue to be evaluated by taking into account the existing needs.

"We are still evaluating how many personnel will be mobilized, of course after we calculate the needs," said AKBP Era Adhinata. According to him, currently the security and security situation in the jurisdiction of the Mimika Police is still conducive, including the commemoration of the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 2021.

"We appreciate the extraordinary enthusiasm of the Mimika residents even though in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the community is very enthusiastic about holding activities to enliven the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia while still adhering to health protocols," he said. In order to maintain a harmonious and conducive kamtibmas situation ahead of the XX Papua PON, the Mimika Police will carefully consider granting permission for any group to hold activities, especially in the midst of a pandemic situation.

Currently, Mimika is implementing a Level III Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) policy. "As long as these activities do not have a sufficiently vulnerable impact on the overall security situation, of course we will pick up the ball, but if it ends in anarchy with various political interests behind it, then of course we will block it," said AKBP Era Adhinata.

Previously, on August 16, the Mimika Police, supported by local TNI ranks, prevented a demonstration by a group of residents at the Mimika DPRD office to demand the release of West Papua National Committee (KNPB) activist Viktor Yeimo, who is currently being held at the Papua Regional Police to undergo legal proceedings.

SOURCE: https://www.republika.co.id/berita/qy1ibm328/polisi-detect-dini-angguan-keamanan-pon-xx-papua

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