Nikson Salabay (Head of Bremi Village, Manokwari Regency), invites all Papuans and West Papuans, especially Manokwari Regency to support government programs through Special Autonomy Volume II (Otsus) given by the central government for the development of progress and welfare of the Papuan people.

Otsus which has been running for 20 years has provided great benefits for development development in Prov. West Papua, Currently the central government has revised the Special Autonomy Law so that in the future its implementation will be better and the benefits can be felt equally by the people of Papua.

As the Head of the Bremi Village, he said that not all people can experience the implementation of Otsus directly, but the Papuan people must be aware that with the existence of Otsus there have been many developments such as roads that have been paved so that it is easier for people to travel. In addition, the current condition after the existence of Otsus is safer and more orderly because now there are many police and soldiers on guard.

"We hope that the Papuan Orang Asli (OAP) for Otsus Volume II will be able to distribute Otsus funds evenly to the lower classes of society, especially those in the periphery, but not until after the government distributes funds but does not supervise it properly. to implementation in the community. Currently, what is always a problem is the misappropriation of Otsus funds both at the provincial and district levels, so that the Otsus funds that go down to the community are not fully received,” he said.

"We as the Head of Kampung Bremi support the implementation of Otsus Volume II and will urge the people of Kampung Bremi to be able to also support the implementation of Otsus Volume II, we hope that the management and implementation of Otsus funds in the future can be repaired immediately where there is no more misappropriation of Otsus funds so that all Papuans can come to enjoy the existence of Otsus” he concluded

SOURCE: https://melanesianinfo.com/dengan-otsus-papua-mengalami-development/

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