August, RSUD Dok II Produces Own Oxygen Cylinder

The Director of the Jayapura Dok II Hospital, drg Aloysius Giay M.Kes revealed that the problem of the availability of oxygen cylinders at the Jayapura Dok II Hospital in the near future will be resolved. The hospital management together with KSO and a third party plan to produce their own oxygen cylinders. Even said Aloysius, if it is running, it is very likely that the problem of tube supply will be answered. However, he did not deny if the need for oxygen cylinders every day needed as many as 200 tubes.

“We plan to start production on August 7th. The first week we installed the machine which is a collaboration between KSO and a third party then the second week we will produce it ourselves with a capacity of 300 tubes per day. We hope that this will answer the need for cylinders at the Dok II Jayapura Hospital first," said Aloysius when met in Abepura, Wednesday (21/7) / However, he did not deny that the need for oxygen cylinders per day is not small, every day at least 200 cylinders are needed. .

Mentioned about the handling of patients, which until now has spilled over to the ER terrace, according to Aloysius, it cannot be separated from the condition of the bed (mattress) being full. “For patients in the ER, the situation is like that. I have removed the VIP and classes and I have added a lung room and we are preparing another room on the second floor but we will see how it develops," he added.

He said that if the condition is like this, we will reduce general patients because the existing mattresses or beds will be filled by Covid patients, while general patients at the hospital will be more selective so that those who are really in serious conditions whose lives are threatened will be treated.

"That's why we ask nearby hospitals, such as type B or regional ones, not to send their patients to the Jayapura Regional Hospital first, except for COVID-19 with comorbidities or congenital diseases. For Covid patients, for me, there is no story about refusing patients even if they have to be treated in the hallways, on the terrace, the important thing is that the treatment is the same," he added

As long as the roof doesn't leak and doesn't rain, according to him, under situational conditions, it can be done. Then regarding the medical personnel who were exposed, said Aloysius, currently the number of general patients exposed to Covid was 100 people, while there were 87 health workers who were exposed. "There were 87 health workers who were exposed," he concluded.


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