FPMSI Invites the Community to Appreciate and Support the Ratification of Special Autonomy Volume 2 for the Welfare of Papua

The DPR has ratified the Draft Law (RUU) regarding the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy in Papua into Law. The approval was taken at the DPR Plenary Meeting at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta on Thursday (15/7). The Papua Special Autonomy Bill revises 20 articles of the Papua Special Autonomy Law. A total of three articles were proposed by the government and 17 others were proposed by the DPR RI. One of the points that have been changed in the new regulation, which is related to Papua Special Autonomy funds, was also changed from 2 percent to 2.25 percent, as stated in Article 34 paragraph (3) letter e of the Papua Special Autonomy Bill.

The ratification made the commitment of the government and the Indonesian people to build Papua and West Papua for the better. However, there are not a few people who do not know about the implementation of Otsus volume 2 in Papua, so that the large benefits it produces are not known by the community as a whole.

Against this background, the Independent Social Media Activist Forum Community (FPMSI) provided support from the beginning of the discussion process until the ratification, one of which was carrying out a virtual declaration with various netizens, Millennials, and the public yesterday (17/7).

FPMSI chairman Rusdil Fikri explained the purpose of holding a virtual declaration and posting positive content in order to invite the public and various groups ranging from public figures and Papuan Millennials to support the ratification of Otsus set by the DPR RI.

"Inviting the participation and active role of netizens, especially millennials from Papua through the action of posting positive content in public media that fosters the optimism of the Papuan people towards the ratification of Otsus Volume 2 to ensure sustainable development," said Rusdil.

Rusdil considered that the government's move was right, with the existence of Otsus volume 2 it would bring prosperity to the Papuan people.

"People are increasingly putting their hope in the government that the Otsus volume 2 program will run according to its original goal, which is to bring prosperity to the indigenous Papuan people," said Rusdi.

Rusdil also invited indigenous Papuans throughout the region to appreciate and oversee the implementation of Otsus volume 2 Papua for the smooth development and improvement of community welfare.

"Come on Kaka Pace and Mace, let's spread positive views and opinions about the Special Autonomy program volume 2 Papua for the smooth development and improvement of welfare," said Rusdil.

As for the virtual declaration of Warganet and the Papuan Millennial Generation, they stated several commitments, namely:

First, ready to maintain the unity and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and Diversity.

Second, ready to contribute through the spread of positive narrative content around the ratification of Otsus volume 2 in public media in order to create optimism in the context of accelerating development for the progress and welfare of Papua.

Third, ready to work together against hoaxes and negative content regarding the ratification of Otsus volume 2 in the public media line in order to create a conducive situation in the context of sustainable development in all fields towards a glorious Papua with the Republic of Indonesia.

SOURCE: https://www. Suaradewata.com/read/202107250001/fpmsi-ajak- Masyarakat-apresiasi-dan-support-pengesahan-otsus-jilid-2-demi-kesejahteraan-papua.html

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