Papua Bulog Starts Distributing PPKM Rice Aid

Perum Bulog began distributing rice assistance for the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities or PPKM. The initial distribution was carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia in all Regional Offices of the State Logistics Agency, Sunday (18/7/2021).

In the Papua and West Papua regions, the total PPKM rice assistance distributed by Perum Bulog was 1,693 tons for Beneficiary Families – the Family Hope Program (KPM-PKH), each KPM received 10 kilograms.

Plt.Head of Perum Bulog Regional Office of Papua and West Papua, Mohamad Alexander said, in addition to carrying out tasks in the commercial sector, Perum Bulog also has the task of carrying out public services, one of which is distributing rice aid.

“The distribution of aid is an order from the President. Bulog, as the operator, is asked to distribute rice for people affected by Covid-19 and those affected by the current emergency," said Alexander.

Regarding the data on beneficiaries, Perum Bulog cooperates with the Ministry of Social Affairs and has followed up by coordinating with the local Social Service. He hopes that other local governments will participate in the success of the program.

"It is the commitment of Perum Bulog to continue to maintain and jointly improve the performance of distributing rice to the community.

The distribution of PPKM rice assistance in 2021 is supervised by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

The Head of the Papua Province BPKP Representative, Yan Setiadi said, BPKP oversees the extent to which each stakeholder works, both central and regional agencies or the Regional Government and at the same time collaborates.

"We are monitoring from the point of view of being on time, on target and on the right amount and quality of rice distributed to the community," said Yan.

Yan expressed his appreciation to Perum Bulog which has fully supported the government's program.

He also asked the beneficiary community if the quality of the rice received was not suitable for consumption to report the matter through the BPKP website.


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