Here are 9 Points of Governor Enembe's Statement of Position Regarding the Ratification of the Papua Special Autonomy Bill

The Special Autonomy Bill (RUU Otsus) has been ratified into law by the Central Government and the Indonesian House of Representatives on Thursday, July 15, 2021.

There are 20 articles in the Special Autonomy Bill proposed by the government of which 18 are changes from Law number 21 while there are two new articles.

In response to this, the Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe issued a 9-point statement of attitude, as conveyed by the Spokesperson for the Governor of Papua, M Rifai Darus on Monday, July 19, 2021 at the office of the Governor of Papua.

The following are 9 points of the statement of the attitude of the Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe:

1. Papua Governor Lukas Enembe SIP, MH expressed his gratitude to the Central Government, MPR RI, all factions in the DPR RI and DPD RI who have contributed to the Papua Province, so that the ratification of the Draft Law on the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province in the 23rd Plenary Meeting of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the V Session Period 2020-2021.

2. Even though the Papua Special Autonomy Bill has been passed, Governor Lukas Enembe stated that the problems in Papua are still not resolved. The instruments of legislation are only a big foundation that provides a lot of room for change and progress for Papua if it is accompanied by consistent communication and participation by the Central Government and Regional Governments. Collaboration is important in achieving change and progress, for that the Governor of Papua hopes that in the future the current relationship can run better and prioritize the principle of openness.

3. The Governor of Papua observes and analyzes carefully the changes to 18 articles and the addition of 2 (two) new articles in the Papua Special Autonomy Bill. The Governor of Papua is of the opinion that these changes have not been directly proportional to and in accordance with the expectations and needs of the Regional Government and the Papuan people as voiced and submitted since 2014 through the proposed second amendment to Law no. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Papua Province, known as the Special Autonomy Plus Bill. Even so, the Governor of Papua acknowledged that the second amendment to the Special Autonomy Law had partially accommodated a number of crucial issues that were repeatedly raised and fought by Governor Lukas Enembe since 2014, and were intensely reiterated in recent months in line with the stipulation of the Second Amendment Bill to the Special Autonomy Law. Papua as a priority in the National Legislation Program. There are 5 (five) proposed frameworks from the Governor of Papua to be of concern to the Central Government and the DPR RI, namely: Authority, Institutions, Finance, Development Policy and Politics, Law and Human Rights. So, based on the Papua Governor's point of view on the Papua Special Autonomy Bill that has been passed, it can be concluded that the Special Committee has tried to accommodate and aggregate Papuan interests in the Papua Special Autonomy Bill, although it is not considered optimal. The 5 basic frameworks voiced have not been fully answered, but it must be acknowledged that changes in several parts are expected to become new spaces for rationalization of authority, institutional strengthening, relocation and reorientation of the special autonomy fund, effectiveness of development policies and increasing political participation of OAP through institutional political superstructure. Meanwhile, aspects of Political Law and Human Rights did not receive a portion in the amendment to the Law. In fact, the insistence on solving political legal and human rights problems in a comprehensive and dignified manner is routinely voiced by various groups and indicates that this is an urgent and crucial matter. Therefore, at a Limited Cabinet Meeting (March 11, 2020) President Joko Widodo said that the evaluation of Otsus Papua could be carried out with a new paradigm, a new way of working through a new system and design in order to be able to produce a leap in welfare progress for the Papuan people. May it be a reminder for all parties, including the Papuan Provincial Government itself.

4. Departing from this, the Papua Special Autonomy Bill also gave birth to a new article which formulates the formation of a Special Agency chaired by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia and several members from the central representative as well as representatives of the Papua Provincial Government which will then be further regulated in a Government Regulation. For this reason, the Governor of Papua requested that the Papua Provincial Government be actively involved in the preparation of the Government Regulation.

5. The Papua Provincial Government will form a special team to communicate and coordinate the preparation of a Government Regulation which will become a derivative rule of the Papua Special Autonomy Bill that has been ratified.

6. In particular to the Papuan people, Governor Lukas Enembe hopes that the public elements can observe, actively provide input, and closely monitor the stages by stages that will take place some time in the future after the ratification of the Papua Special Autonomy Bill by the Indonesian House of Representatives.

7. The Governor of Papua hopes that all stakeholders who are mandated in planning, discussing, drafting and ratifying other laws and regulations can carry out their duties properly and weigh wisely in accordance with the current conditions in Papua. In addition, the Governor will also continue to strive to ensure that the derivative regulations (in this case the Government Regulation) can be in accordance with the mandate of the Papua Special Autonomy Bill that has been ratified while still taking into account the interests and needs of Papua.

8. The Governor of Papua stated that the struggle of all of us in Papua is not over. The early gates of our land's progress have indeed been opened, now we need a bigger spirit and make sure that our togetherness from the eastern horizon of Indonesia never fades.

9. The Governor of Papua will continue to maintain its consistency to raise awareness of all parties so that the changes to the two Papua Special Autonomy Laws in the future are carried out comprehensively and holistically, not partially. The Governor of Papua expects all relevant parties to remain in the corridor of the same allies in order to create a common perspective in order to make Papua's special autonomy policy a strategic and effective instrument in solving a number of problems in Papua in a comprehensive and dignified manner. If this can be realized, then it is not impossible for all Papuans to be able to witness and feel the swift currents of changing our land towards the revival, independence, and prosperity of a just Papua within the framework of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Those are the 9 points of statements that can be conveyed to the media and the public, hopefully this information can be useful and be a concern for all of us. That for further technical related can coordinate with the assistance team that will be formed by the Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe. Greetings of peace.


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