Head of the Maybrat District Health Office, Paber Hutahaean SE.M.Kes. provide support for the sustainability of policies and Presidential Instructions related to the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) for the Java-Bali region. This was expressed when met at his residence on Sunday (11/7/21).

The PPKM policy is an effort by the Government that must be supported to prevent the increase in positive cases of Covid-19. Following up on this, the Regent of Maybrat Regency has issued Regent's Instruction No. 800/54/BUP-MBT/VII/2021 concerning the implementation of restrictions on community activities for micro PPKM based on Dasa/village to control the spread of the DiseASE 1019 Virus in Maybrat Regency.

"The Maybrat District Health Office itself always urges and invites the public to continue to maintain health protocols through the Puskesmas in the District to maximize in socializing PPKM activities that are currently being implemented," said Paber

His party will continue to support the instructions that have been set by the Governor of West Papua and the Regent of Maybrat in implementing micro PPKM in Maybrat to the fullest, and strive to socialize the rules for limiting community activities through approaches to community leaders, traditional leaders and religious leaders to inhibit the spread of Covid-19. Maybrat Regency.

SOURCE: https://melanesianinfo.com/ppkm-micro-to-controlling-spread-covid-19/

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