The Head of Susweni Village, Manokwari Regency, Sem Meidodga, gave his support for the sustainability of policies and Presidential Instructions related to the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) for the Java-Bali region. He expressed this when met on Wednesday (21/7/21).

The PPKM policy is a Government effort that must be supported to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 Virus, support for emergency PPKM because the community does not want to be infected with the Covid-19 virus. Many are aware that high mobility can make them contract the corona virus, so at this time many people prefer to do activities at home. They understand that the PPKM policy is made for mutual safety and to suppress the increase in the number of Covid patients in Manokwari.

"The public is always encouraged to participate in supporting the government's PPKM policy and obeying the prokes by continuing to wear masks and maintain a distance. The community asks that the government can immediately distribute humanitarian aid to the people in the Susweni area, but with a note that it must be right on target and there is no interest from certain parties in it, "said Samuel

He will continue to support the instructions that have been set by the Central Government which will then be followed up by the Regional Government, he also hopes that the government will immediately make efforts to handle and prevent the transmission of Covid by re-cooperating with the Police, TNI, and Satpol PP to bring order to the community to obey the prokes by using masks and keep your distance.

SOURCE: https://melanesianinfo.com/sem-meidodga-ppkm-micro-merupakan-Efforts-Government-Men Prevent- Spread-Covid-19/

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