Youtefa bridge Facilitates Papuan Community Mobilization

The policy of the central government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) through various ministry programs since 2014 until now has never stopped developing the land of Papua in order to improve the welfare of the indigenous Papuan people within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The seriousness of the central government in developing Papua by giving full authority through Law number 21 of 2001 concerning Papua's special autonomy until the issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2020 concerning the acceleration of development in Papua and West Papua.

Various development program policies carried out in the provinces of Papua and West Papua are aimed at reducing high poverty rates, reducing the cost index and equitable distribution of infrastructure development facilities.

The issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2020, is one of the latest legal umbrellas in an effort to further accelerate development progress in Papua.

In the era of President Joko Widodo's administration, the attention to Papua was getting bigger, one of which was increasing the development of basic infrastructure to meet the needs of local Papuan people.

In the sea transportation sector, the Central government through the Ministry of Transportation has built a number of ports, namely, Depapre Port, Nabire Port, Pomako Port, Moor Port, and Serui Port for Papua Province and Kaimana Port in West Papua Province.

Meanwhile, in the land transportation sector, the government has also built terminals, namely the Entrop Bus Terminal in Jayapura City, Papua, a water bus dock at Lake Sentani, State Border Post Facilities (PLBN) in Skouw to the provision of transportation buses and water buses.

During the administration of President Joko Widodo, Papua was one of the areas that became the focal point of development. Various infrastructures are presented as a real step to strengthen the economy of the Papuan people.

Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto revealed that the Papua Province region has always been a concern of President Joko Widodo.

"Jokowi is important for Papua, Papua is important for Jokowi. President Jokowi has visited Papua 13 times. There is Trans Papua," said Airlangga Hartato.

The construction of the Hamadi-Holtekam Bridge is the first bridge in the territory of Indonesia which is designed with a tourist destination in mind.

With the construction of the Holtekam bridge, Jayapura City becomes a gateway that borders directly with neighboring Papua New Guinea.

This bridge will make it easier for people who want to travel to the Koya or Arso area which is the location of industrial development in the future.

The construction of the Holtekamp bridge is also the first bridge to be shipped in full and the furthest because it covers a distance of 3,200 km and takes 28 days of travel.

The 1328 meter long bridge, including the main span of 732 meters, is located above Youtefa Bay which connects Jayapura City with Muara Tami District in Papua Province. Later, the travel time from Jayapura City to the Skouw border will be faster from 2.5 hours to 60 minutes.


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