Logistics Delivery in Ilaga is Back to Normal

Head of the Public Relations Division of the Papua Regional Police, Commissioner (Kombes) Ahmad Musthofa Kamal said, logistics deliveries in the Aminggaru Airport, Ilaga, Puncak Regency, Papua returned to normal, which had previously been burned by an armed criminal group (KKB).

Kamal said that currently, the security forces are still trying to restore security after a series of riots that occurred in the Ilaga area. This is to ensure the safety of the local community.

"Currently, a number of foodstuffs, namely rice, sugar and vegetables, are also imported for the smooth running of the community's economy," said Kamal, Tuesday (15/6).

In addition, Kamal said, Aminggaru Airport began operating normally for the past week. Kamal claims that the airport has served a number of flights.

"Normally activity at Aminggaru Ilaga Airport is marked by the number of flights today and the number of passengers both getting off and boarding with the aim of going to Timika, Jayapura or Nabire," added Kamal.

Nevertheless, he confirmed, the TNI-Polri were still conducting surveillance around the airport area. The goal is to ensure the safety of the residents there. At least 150 joint personnel were deployed to secure the airport. Not only the TNI-Polri, the security was also carried out by the Special Forces Task Force (Paskhas) of PAM at Rawan Airport.

A gun battle at Aminggaru Airport occurred on June 3, 2021. Separatist groups set fire to towers at the Airport Management Unit (UPBU) and AirNav offices in Ilaga, Puncak Regency, Papua.

The Papuan Police Chief, Inspector General (Irjen) Mathius Fakhiri confirmed that there were no casualties during the gunfight. During the sweep, the police claimed to have shot one KKB member on June 7, 2021.

Head of Public Relations of the Nemangkawi Task Force, Kombes Iqbal Alqudusy, said the party shot was suspected to be a member of the Lekagak Telenggen leadership shooting at the officers from Honai who were at a height.

"Later, the KKB shot was named Sapikul," Iqbal said.

SOURCE: https://www.validnews.id/nasional/pengiriman-logistik-di-ilaga-re-normal

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