Leader of the Red and White Front: Expansion in Papua is not a new aspiration

The leader of the Red and White Front, Nico Mauri, believes that the expansion of the new autonomous region in Bumi Cenderawasih will bring about better changes, including in the field of equitable development.
"This aspiration (expansion) has existed for a long time, since 10 years ago," he explained in Jayapura.

According to him, if the aspirations for expansion are realized or answered by the central government, then this is a wise step and should be welcomed by all parties. Because new autonomous regions can shorten the span of government control and accelerate development in remote areas which will certainly prosper the community.

"I think the expansion is a positive step to develop Papuan land and not an engineering by the government. Pemekaran is the long-awaited aspiration of the people. For that we ask for prayers and support from all parties, so that this division can be realized soon for a better Papua," he said.

Support for the divisions and new autonomous regions in Papua has been voiced by many other elements of society, one of which was the Red and White Youth Alliance during a demonstration in Taman Imbi, Jayapura City, Papua.

"The expansion of new autonomous regions in Papua Province is very influential for the welfare of the people and can stimulate progress in each region, therefore the Indonesian Red and White Youth Alliance is very supportive," Ali Kabiay, Chair of the Indonesian Red and White Youth Alliance Papua Province.

In addition to the support for regional expansion, during the demonstration the Red and White Youth Alliance also supported and encouraged the central government to respond to developments in issues that have a long-term impact on people's welfare and even security stability in Papua Province, including the sustainability of special autonomy for the welfare of the Papuan people, KPK's examination of many indications corruption in Papua, the division and new autonomous regions in Papua, raising the status of terrorists for the KKB, to the examination of the head of the MRP regarding the RDP budget used, including the results of hearings (RDP) conducted in three customary areas.

"There are many dynamics that occur in Papua, therefore we as an alliance of the Indonesian Red and White Youth of Papua Province have the right to voice this, to be the attention of all parties, especially the central government," he said.

 "This statement of position will later be forwarded to Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, the Papuan Police and the Papuan DPR," concluded Ali Kabiay.
 SOURCE: https://www. Suarakarya.id/detail/129740/Ketua-Barisan-Merah-Putih-Pemekaran-di-Papua-Not-Aspiration-Baru

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