7 Facts about Papuan KKB Weapon Suppliers Make Heads shake

A weapons supplier from the Papuan Armed Criminal Group (KKB) was arrested by the police in Puncak Jaya. Seven facts from the disclosure of this weapon supplier make me shake my head.

The weapons supplier was named Ratius Murib aka Neson Murib. Initially, he flew using a Rimbun Air plane on the Nabire-Timika route, but transited in Puncak Jaya.

From Neson Murib, details of the supply of funds to the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) or the Armed Terrorist Criminal Group (KKTB) emerged in Puncak Jaya, Papua. The suppliers of the funds are said to come from local governments, even members of the council.

Not only that, buying and selling firearms for KKB also involves a lot of money. Some of the things that have been revealed are facts, some are still conjectures.

Here are seven facts about Papua's KKP weapons suppliers:

1. Arrested in Puncak Jaya

The plane carrying Neson Murib transited in Puncak Jaya, Papua. Arriving at Puncak Jaya, Neson was examined by the Port Security Implementation Unit (KP3) at Mulia Airport Polres Puncak Jaya, Monday (14/6) yesterday.

"The person concerned, Neson Murib, is suspected of being a firearms and ammunition dealer to the KKTB in Puncak Jaya," said Head of the Nemangkawi Public Relations Task Force Kombes M Iqbal Alqudusy in a written statement, Tuesday (15/6) yesterday.

2. Bring IDR 320 million

During the arrest, Neson was caught with Rp. 370 million in Rp. 100 thousand denominations. Iqbal suspects that the funds will be used to buy firearms from someone.

"The team will continue to dig up information on sources of funds and remittance activities to buy weapons and ammunition from suspected Neson Murib," said Kombes M Iqbal ALqudusy, Tuesday (15/6) yesterday.

3. Weapon suppliers earn Rp 1.3 billion

The police said the transaction value in the process of buying and selling terrorist weapons in the Papuan mountains reached more than Rp 1.3 billion. This was revealed by the Nemangkawi Task Force.

"The total that was sent and received was Rp. 1,393,100,000," said Kombes Iqbal Alqudussy in a written statement, Tuesday (15/6) yesterday.

4. Bring notes against special autonomy, shootings, and TPNPB finances

Neson wanted to buy a weapon with RP 370 million in hand. Not only money, he also brought notes that made him shake his head.

One of the notes that Neson brought was a record of the expenditure and income of aid funds from sympathizers of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), their own name which means the same as the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) within the Free Papua Organization (OPM).

The notes were confiscated by the Nemangkawi Task Force. In addition, there is also a notebook on the rejection of special autonomy (otsus) and shootings in Puncak Regency. The police also found several passbooks in Ratius Murib's name and several cell phones. There were also dozens of receipts for proof of transfer to parties suspected of being gun dealers.

5. Important note: IDR 600 million assistance from the local government to KKB

From the hands of Neson Murib, the Nemangkawi Task Force secured a note that made people shake their heads. The note is a record of cash assistance from the Puncak Regional Government worth IDR 600 million for the leadership of the Lekagak Telenggen KKB on February 6, 2021.

"Investigations are still being carried out regarding the evidence of transactions found, including whether or not the flow of funds to Lekagak Telenggen," said Kombes Iqbal Alqudussy when confirmed by detikcom, Tuesday (15/6).

Lekagak Telenggen is one of the leaders of the KKB in some parts of Papua. He is the operational commander of the TPNPB OPM area of ​​Yambi, Gome, Sinak, and Ilaga in Puncak Regency.

Furthermore, the name of the Chairman of the Tolikara Regency DPRD from the NasDem Party is mentioned:

6. The name of the chairman of the Tolikara Regency DPRD is mentioned

The name of the chairman of the Tolikara Regency DPRD, Sonny Arson Wanimbo, was mentioned. The mention of the NasDem Party politician's name is a fact, although whether it is true or not Sonny's involvement in purchasing weapons for the KKB is still an allegation and is still being investigated by the authorities.

Neson brought Rp 370 million to buy weapons and ammunition. Allegedly, the money came from the chairman of the Tolikara Regency DPRD, Sonny Arson Wanimbo.

"The money was given by a member of the Tolikara Regency Council I Chairman (Chairman of the Tolikara DPRD) on behalf of Sonny Wanimbo," said Kombes M Iqbal, Wednesday (16/6).

The Central Leadership Council (DPP) of the NasDem Party is still confirming the truth of the news. NasDem Deputy Chairperson Ahmad Ali stated that his party would take firm action against Sonny Arson Wanimbo if the allegations were true.

"That's just the information from the suspect (Ratius Murib alias Neson Murib) so that the name appears. Whether or not we have to give the authorities the opportunity to validate the information," said Ahmad Ali, Wednesday (16/6) yesterday.

7. Neson and Sonny are college friends

Neson Murib (aka Ratius Murib) and Chairman of the Tolikara Regency DPRD Sony Arson Wanimbo were college friends. This was revealed by the Nemangkawi Task Force.

"Sonny Wanimbo is a friend of Neson's study at Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Bali where Sonny Wanimbo at that time was the Chair of the Java and Bali Mountain Student Association. He was active in organizational activities and mountain student congress," said Iqbal.

In addition, Iqbal said that a number of transfer evidences were found in Neson's arrest. Iqbal explained that all those involved would be summoned for clarification, including Sonny.

SOURCE : https://news.detik.com/berita/d-5609057/7-fact-pemasok-gun-kkb-papua-bikin-gulung-head/

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