254 Papuan sons and daughters are appointed to be BUMN employees

The government appointed 254 sons and daughters from Papua to work for State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). In addition, the government also provides opportunities for 133 people with disabilities to work in BUMN.

Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin said the government is focused on improving the welfare of the people of Papua and West Papua to realize equitable development throughout Indonesia. This commitment also aims to minimize social disparities and eliminate Jawasentris opinion so that all regions have equal opportunities in all fields.

"This inauguration is an implementation of President Joko Widodo's commitment on September 10, 2019 at the State Palace, to affirm the acceptance of 1,000 of the best Papuan sons and daughters to work in various BUMNs, including persons with disabilities," he said in an official statement, Tuesday (25 / 5).

The Vice President emphasized that the government is very serious about advancing the Land of Papua so that it is not left behind from other regions. This policy is contained in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua Provinces and Presidential Decree Number 20 of 2020 concerning Integrated Coordination Teams for the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua Provinces.

"The government is serious in developing and advancing human resources in the Land of Papua so that it is equal to other fellow countrymen," he said.

The Vice President, who is also the Chairperson of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua Provinces, said that the government is finalizing a follow-up action plan for the Presidential Instruction.

The action plan covers seven priority areas, namely poverty alleviation, education, health, employment, empowerment of MSMEs, and achievement of the SDGs, and infrastructure.

He hopes that the acceleration of welfare development in Papua can be carried out immediately and supported by all related communities and institutions.

"I hope and invite all of us together to provide the best support and maintain a conducive atmosphere so that the program to accelerate the development of welfare in Papua and West Papua can be carried out as soon as possible and provide tangible results and benefits," he said.

For information, the government through the Ministry of BUMN has recruited 776 best Papuan sons / daughters by 2020. They are placed in 55 BUMNs, or 77 percent of the target of 1000 people. However, it is possible that the government will recruit more Papuan sons and daughters than that number.

Meanwhile, for people with disabilities, the government has recruited as many as 310 people by 2020. They have been assigned to 42 state-owned companies throughout Indonesia.

SOURCE: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/ekonomi/20210525212039-92-646936/maruf-254-putra-putri-papua-dilantik-jadi-karyawan-bumn

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