Papuan non-commissioned officers are asked to protect the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia

Prospective non-commissioned officers for the Special Autonomy for Indigenous Papuans (OAP) of Kodam XVIII Kasuari 2020 are asked to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and instill nationalism.

"Wherever you are assigned you have to be ready, that's what my army says. The important thing is to keep the spirit, keep the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke," said Coordinator of Kasad Expert Staff Lt. Gen. Ali Hamdan Bogra, in a TNI AD Youtube broadcast on Sunday.

As many as 1,000 non-commissioned officers from Papua are currently undergoing Special Autonomy for Papuan Orang Asli Papua (OAP) Kodam XVIII Kasuari 2020 in a number of Military Regional Master Regiments (Rindam) on Java Island.

The thousand non-commissioned officers consist of 330 students sent to Rindam III / Siliwangi Bandung, 240 non-commissioned officers to Rindam IV / Diponegoro Semarang, 260 students to Rindam V / Brawijaya Surabaya, and 130 non-commissioned officers to Rindam Jaya Jakarta.

Then, as many as 40 indigenous Papuan women attended the Education Center (Pusdik) of the Indonesian Army Forces (Kowad), Lembang, Bandung.

Ali Hamdan Bogra, a native son of Serui, West Papua, who is familiarly called Big Brother by the Papuan Special Autonomy Students, emphasized that they should not be afraid to die because they are soldiers.

"Hopefully they will continue to be enthusiastic and in the future it can be maximally utilized for the interests of the Army," said the former XVIII / Kasuari Military Commander.

In that education a new method is also applied, namely the foster family method by making every student soldier from an area other than Papua who has already undergone education as a brother guide for two students from Papua.

As their superintendents, they are assigned to help Papuan students understand educational material, directing through each regulation, applying orders, helping other difficulties they face.

"They adapt to us too, chat with each other, follow our style. In fact, we actually have to follow their style because we are the ones who are educated here," said Mahendra Rengen, a student of Secaba Otsus Papua. He admitted, as native Papuans, of course they are used to chatting using Papuan accents so that until now they are often carried away by the atmosphere in the village.

Monggalina Bahamba, who is also a student of Secaba Otsus Papua, said she was happy to meet friends from Sabang to Merauke. Meanwhile, Pangdam XVIII / Kasuari Major General TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa explained that the Special Autonomy NCO program was a pilot project or the first model to be implemented.

"Kodam XVIII / Kasuari won the trust to educate 1,000 special non-commissioned officers. We will see this 'pilot project', which is this model, hopefully if this is successful, successful, I dare to report to Mr. Kasad that next year there will be this special NCO program again. , or maybe a special enlisted man, "he said.


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