Otsus is the State's Big Breakthrough to Promote Indigenous Papuans

John Wempi Wetipo (Deputy Minister of PUPR) said that tsus was born so that Papuans become masters in their own regions, as a hope and solution. In the Jokowi era, Papua made various breakthroughs, infrastructure connectivity was continued. The center pays more attention to encouraging infrastructure in Papua to be more advanced. Even if there is an assessment of Otsus failing, it is not because of Otsus itself, but more because regional officials are not transparent and cannot implement Otsus.

"It is not that Otsus has failed, but more because officials who cannot execute are carrying out their mandate because the concept of Otsus is already good," he said.

Freedy Numbery, a senior Papuan figure added, the concept and policy of the Special Autonomy is a great step taken by the state for Papua. However, the regulations are great, but when it is not followed by good bureaucracy, it becomes chaotic. Otsus is a powerful idea for Papuan children.

"We need to change our approach. Special Autonomy is good, but it needs the right approach and better supervision," said Freedy.

Deputy Regent of Asmat, Thomas Eppe Safanpo, explained that Otsus has provided great benefits. Many young Papuans can go to school abroad. Better access to health. Unfortunately, these various advantages are not well socialized by the provincial government.

Although there are still shortcomings, in the 20 years period until now, the presence of Otsus has provided enormous benefits, which are focused on four priority programs. For example, aspects of education, health, infrastructure, to community economic empowerment. This is proof that the Central Government's attention to Papua is so great.

We have never conducted an assessment evaluation but have come to the conclusion that failure will not be of any benefit, this is a big mistake and a massive campaign by anti-state groups. Making social media dominated by anti-Otsus groups.

"If the Papua Provincial Government has the ability, just disseminate the number of Otsus beneficiaries and then socialize it. If necessary, pay social activists to socialize it so that the public space is not filled with anti-Otsus groups," he said.

Source: https://kamerapapua.com/2021/01/28/otsus-terobosan-besar-negara-maju-orang-asli-papua/

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