The DPR discusses the initial revision of Papua's Special Autonomy in 2021

The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia in Senayan will discuss the revision of Special Autonomy for Papua in early 2021. The certainty of the discussion was after receiving the Presidential Letter (Surpres) regarding the revision of Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus).

"It will begin to be discussed in accordance with the applicable mechanism starting January 10, 2021," said Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament Azis Syamsuddin.

On the same occasion, the Chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, encouraged the government to evaluate the Papua Special Autonomy as a whole, so that the goal of accelerating the improvement of the welfare of the Papuan and West Papuan people can be implemented effectively.

"So that there is a harmony of views and attitudes in carrying out development in Papua and West Papua," said Puan in her speech at the Closing of Session Period II of the 2020-2021 DPR Session Year.

According to Puan, the government must continue to open and communicate with Papuan and West Papuan leaders.

Previously, the Secretary of the State Secretariat Ministry, Setya Utama, said there were changes in the revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law that was proposed by the government. One of them, the amount of the Papua Special Autonomy fund, which increased by 0.25 percent.

"The Special Autonomy Fund was increased from 2 percent to 2.25 percent, then governance is regulated by PP [Government Regulation] because previously it was the Papua Special Autonomy Regional Regulation," said Setya.

It is recorded in Article 34 paragraph 3 (c) 2 of the Papua Special Autonomy Law regarding special revenues in the context of implementing special autonomy in the amount equivalent to 2 percent of the ceiling of the National General Allocation Fund, which is mainly proposed for financing education and health.

Regarding the implementation of Otsus Papua, so far the government has acknowledged a number of weaknesses or gaps that have caused problems. Therefore, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said the government was looking for a formula for the best regulation so that the Special Autonomy Fund, which is planned to be increased next year, can be felt by the Papuan people as a whole.

"Because the funds for Papua are huge, but the elite there are corrupted. The people don't get it. We will arrange how, "said Mahfud last week.

According to Mahfud, in the revision of Otsus Papua the government emphasizes the scope of two things, namely relating to the amount of special autonomy funds to be distributed and regarding the expansion of the province in Papua.

Meanwhile, regarding the division of the province in Papua itself, there are several considerations that the government has in mind. Mahfud explained that one of them was related to the large area of ​​Papua.

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