Special Autonomy Promotes Progress and Prosperity in Papua

The Papua special autonomy policy (Otsus) is proof of the government's seriousness in improving the welfare of the people in Cenderawasih Earth.

Chairman of the Jabodetabek Bintuni Student Association, Malkin Kosepa said the government had guaranteed that the special autonomy was not lost, only that it was evaluating improvements, so that the people of Papua and West Papua would really feel it.

"Right now Otsus is being evaluated again, not ending, as long as the law is not repealed, it will continue to be canceled. It is given special authority by the state, but its implementation needs to be thoroughly evaluated," said Malkin.

The government has given the Papua Special Autonomy Law (UU) through Law No. 21/2001 and West Papua Special Autonomy through Law No. 35/2008. The law was made to accelerate and catch up with development from other regions.

"The spirit or spirit of determining the status of otsus is giving the widest possible authority to the regional government to formulate, compile and design development strategies needed by the Papuan people so that their rights are protected," said Malkin.

Papuan academic, Ujang Rahmat Mokan said, now is the right time to do an evaluation of special autonomy to make it better in the future. Community groups need to sit together so that what is done is mandated by the state to have a positive impact on the economy and welfare. Even if there is a refusal, it is considered normal, because the implementation of special autonomy still needs improvement.

"We hope that there will be a comprehensive evaluation from the provincial government because the special autonomy policy fund is managed by the provincial government. From there it can be seen whether it was executed, carried out, with the right target. Do not let the egos appear of each so that communication between the district and provincial governments does not run smoothly. both that ultimately hinder the implementation of Otsus. This needs to be fixed in the future, "said Mokan.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the National Papuan Student Alliance (AMP), Rajid Patiran, assessed that if there are still obstacles in the Special Autonomy Region, then refendum issues will arise. In fact, now the most important thing is to build the welfare of the Papuan people.

"Therefore, the special autonomy funds and development in Papua and West Papua must harmonize human resource development and physical and infrastructure development," he said.

According to Rajid, the special autonomy needs to be evaluated so that policies at the provincial to district level can be uniform because there is often dualism. "Thus, the budget cannot be executed at the district level. This happens because districts often do not have access to the special autonomy policy," said Rajid.

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