The Governor of Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) Sugianto Sabran hopes that this province can make achievements in the National Sports Week (PON) which will be held in Papua Province.
Related parties in charge of sports in this case the National Sports Committee (KONI) are expected to pay attention to various matters relating to Central Kalimantan's participation in the event.
"The Central Kalimantan Provincial Government is ready to work together and is ready to help the continuity of increasing sports through the Central Kalimantan KONI. What is certain is that in the future, the athletes' achievements in PON Papua will be really improved, ”he said.
With a long time to go to PON Papua, KONI Central Kalimantan is reminded to make various improvements, refinements and revitalization of sports that will further enhance sports achievement and coaching.
"Now we just need to make various improvements, so that we can build excellence in the national and international arena in the future," he said.
To support the sports achievements of Central Kalimantan, Sugianto ensures that the government is ready to support KONI in various ways. This step is so that PON readiness will really mature and improve in achieving achievements.
Governor Sugianto Sabran hopes that Central Kalimantan can make achievements in the implementation of PON in Papua. Central Kalimantan itself has national and international athletes who can provide achievements in the PON later, so that KONI is expected to be able to provide guidance from now on so that they are able to provide the best performance during sports events later.
"PON will not be an event for a walk or a trial, but an achievement. The cost to get there (Papua, ed) is expensive and a lot, that's what we have to do as much as possible, "he concluded.
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